Colorado Tick Fever (CTF) is a tick-borne disease that mainly occurs in the western United States and Canada. What are the symptoms of Colorado tick fever? What is the treatment?
- Colorado Tick Fever - Symptoms
- Colorado tick fever - diagnosis
- Colorado Tick Fever - treatment
- Colorado Tick Fever - Prevention
Colorado Tick Fever(Colorado Tick Fever - CTF) is a tick-borne disease that mainly occurs in the western United States and Canada. The disease is caused by Coltivirus, which is transmitted by the wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni). The virus is not transmitted from person to person except in rare cases during blood transfusions.
Colorado Tick Fever - Symptoms
The incubation period (from a tick bite to the appearance of disease symptoms) is from 1 to 14 days. After this time, symptoms such as:
- fever
- chills
- headaches
- muscle aches
- feeling tired
Some patients also have symptoms such as:
- sore throat
- vomiting
- stomach pains
- skin rash
About half of the patients have a "biphasic" fever. This means that the fever lasts for a few days, then it goes away and the patient feels better, and then the fever and other symptoms of the illness reappear.
In most cases the disease is mild and the patient recovers completely. However, you may feel tired for several weeks.
In rare cases, a more severe form of the disease may develop that affects the central nervous system with symptoms that include neck stiffness.
Colorado tick fever - diagnosis
Blood tests are performed to look for antibodies against the virus in the blood or to look for the genetic material of the virus.
Colorado Tick Fever - treatment
There is no causal treatment for Colorado Tick Fever. Antipyretics and painkillers can be used to relieve the symptoms of the disease. People with a more severe form of the disease may requirehospitalization.
Colorado Tick Fever - Prevention
There is no vaccine to prevent CTF. The best way to prevent the disease is to reduce the risk of being bitten by ticks.
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - Symptoms and Treatment
- Tick-borne diseases: Lyme disease, babesiosis, bartonellosis, TBE and others
- How to protect yourself from ticks? Effective ways