Gender can be differentiated on the basis of different behaviors of a woman and a man, obvious differences in structure, as well as whether a given individual feels like a woman or a man. From a scientific point of view, depending on what we are going to compare, in addition to hormonal, psychological and social sex, we can distinguish chromosomal, gonadal, somatic and metabolic sex.
Gender typeshave become a hot topic in recent years. According to some, there are different types of sex:hormonal, psychological, social, gonadal, somatic, metabolic , according to others they are artificial, and people are divided according to genitals - into men and women.
Gender types: gonadal sex
The sex of a child is formed as a result of the differentiation of the primary gonads of the human embryo into male or female. The direction of this development is normally determined by the presence (or absence) of the Y chromosome (responsible for the development of male characteristics), i.e. the chromosomal sex. Until the 6th week of gestation, the development of gonads is identical in both sexes. There are no germ cells in them yet, so they can develop in both directions.
The presence of the Y chromosome eventually causes the primary gonad to develop into a nucleus. If the Y chromosome is not present in the cells of the embryo (genetic woman), a few weeks later the primary gonads spontaneously differentiate into the ovaries. When the fetal testes and ovaries are developed, they begin to secrete specific hormones, which determines the further development of the body in the male or female direction.
Gender types: chromosomal sex
So genetic. It is the most important for further human development. It is established at the time of fertilization. If a sperm containing the Y (male) sex chromosome enters the egg (always with only X chromosome), the resulting organism (XY) will be a boy from a genetic point of view, if with an X chromosome (which will result in the XX genotype) a girl. The presence of the X or Y chromosome determines the further direction of the sexual development of the organism, mainly due to its influence on the future development of the gonads (ovaries or testes).
ImportantTranssexualism in Poland
In world statistics, transsexualism (desire to change sex)occurs in 1 in 30 thousand men and in 1 in 100 thousand. women. It is different in Poland and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Here, the majority of people expressing disapproval of their gender are women. There are 4-7 times more of them than men. This is a phenomenon on a global scale - in other regions there are more transgender men than women (even in Arab countries!) - on average 3-4 times. In Poland, a pioneering procedure to change a biological woman into a man was performed in 1983.
Types of sex: somatic gender
It is actually what the encyclopedia defines. The nature of the internal (testes and ovaries) and external (penis and clitoris) genitals, as well as all the features of the body structure (breasts, male facial hair) together constitute the concept of somatic sex. There are first-order sex characteristics, i.e. gonad distinctness, second-order sexual differences, and the third one related to other features of the body structure. Men are generally taller and heavier than women (about 10%), have a larger skull (1500 ml, women 1300 ml), a different shape of the pelvis (the female is wider, shorter, with horizontally positioned plates of the hip bones to facilitate birth child). In women, the second finger is higher than the fourth, in men, the opposite. Some scientists have attempted to draw conclusions from this about testosterone levels in the womb. Women with male fingers would then have more of it. It is also believed that higher testosterone levels affect brain development and such women have a greater aggressiveness in life, characteristic of men.
Gender types: metabolic gender
It concerns the distinctness of enzyme systems in both sexes, which is closely related to the action of sex hormones. How does this affect the functioning of the body? Women have a lower resting metabolism (they use 3.6 percent less oxygen than men) and 6 percent. lower levels of potassium in the blood serum. Their heart beats faster, they have less muscle strength, and they are less able to neutralize the lactic acid in their muscles after exercise. This means that they tire more easily and recover worse after exercise.
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