What is the first aid for bruises? In the case of minor injuries of soft tissue, only a cold compress should be applied, thanks to which the bruise characteristic of bruises will be smaller. Completely different first aid rules apply in the event of a knee or a finger contusion. Check how to perform first aid in case of bruises.
A contusionis damage to soft tissues (subcutaneous and muscle tissue), peri-tissue joints and the periosteum without breaking the skin.
In the event of a bruise, small blood vessels are also damaged, which is why a characteristic feature of the injury are hematomas under or inside the skin, i.e. bruises.
This type of tissue damage is caused by trauma. It is easy to find them during, for example, exercises at the gym or during summer activities (e.g. cycling, rollerblading, ball games).
There are several types of contusions: leg (e.g. knee, toe, hip bone), hand (e.g. toe, wrist), ribs, abdomen and head.
How to recognize a bruise?
The bruise can be identified by:
- swelling, haemorrhages and subcutaneous exudates,
- acute pain,
- deformation of the joint,
- restriction or complete impairment of movement in the joint affected by the contusion.
See how to get rid of bruises [TOWIDEO]
First aid for bruises
In case of damage to soft tissues, apply to the injured places for 10 minutes. cold compresses of water and vinegar, wrapped ice cubes or a special gel dressing cooled in the refrigerator (cooling plaster).
This will constrict the blood vessels to reduce swelling and bleeding under the skin.
The next day, you can apply a gel or ointment that reduces the permeability of the capillary walls and reduces puffiness, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing effects.
Placing the injured arm or leg above the heart will also help. The bruise takes 5-10 days to heal as the bruise gradually turns green, yellow and disappears.
If damage to the peri-tissue joints and periosteum is suspected, the joint and bones should be immobilized with a splint and an elastic bandage in the position it takesthe victim and take him to the emergency room.