Food allergy is not the same as food intolerance - both of these conditions, although they have similar symptoms, have different causes. What is the difference between food intolerance and food allergy?
- What is a food allergy?
- What is a food intolerance?
- Causes of food intolerance
- Food allergy and food intolerance: what are the differences?
Food intoleranceandfood allergybelong to the so-called food hypersensitivity. Experts from the World He alth Organization (WHO), based on the research carried out, predict that 15 to 20 percent. the population is currently struggling with the symptoms of food allergy or food intolerance.
What is a food allergy?
A food allergy is an inappropriate reaction of the body to food ingredients and, like any other type of allergy, it results from an abnormal reaction of the immune system. It occurs when the immune system begins to produce antibodies of the IgE type against a specific component - or components - of food, which results in the release of histamine, which is responsible for the troublesome symptoms of allergy.
Food allergy manifests itself in different ways, which depends both on the age and the type of allergen. Food allergy in children is most often manifested by downpour, intestinal colic, allergic rash, allergic rhinitis, and even anemia.
Food allergy in adults can manifest itself in different ways - and at the same time. It is not uncommon, therefore, that a symptom of food allergy in adults is - occurring at the same time - allergic rhinitis, rash and digestive system ailments.
Food allergy in children is most often caused by cow's milk and chicken egg proteins, as well as citrus, while adults are most often allergic to seafood, fish, grains, citrus fruits, soybeans, tomatoes and celery.
What is a food intolerance?
Food intolerance is a hypersensitivity to a certain type of food or food ingredient that is tolerated by most.
The mechanisms of the formation of food intolerances are not fully understood. It is known that for some types of intolerance they arerelated to the deficiency of substances responsible for the deficiency of proteins or key enzymes in the digestion processes of given ingredients - an example may be the enzyme lactase, the deficiency of which leads to lactose intolerance, milk sugar.
Food intolerance manifests as unwanted, recurring symptoms that always follow after consuming a normal portion of the intolerant food.
Among these symptoms there are several easily noticeable symptoms, such as:
- abdominal pain and flatulence
but there are also many hidden symptoms or hard to associate with intolerance. They are repeated
- infections (such as flu and strep throat)
- migraines
- rheumatic pains
- disturbances in the appearance of the skin (redness, eczema, itching, dryness).
Once the correct diagnosis is made, the quality of life of a person suffering from food intolerance changes. From now on, he has to get used to reading food labels and shopping carefully - no more tossing things in the basket.
A person suffering from food intolerance will also have a difficult social life. And although intolerance is less dangerous to the body than allergy, it should be taken seriously, because long-term abuse of your body and not taking into account its limitations can lead to serious diseases, especially in the digestive tract.
Causes of food intolerance
Thanks to more and more advanced research, we already know that the causes of food intolerance are complex. There can be one reason, but also several reasons may overlap, such as:
- Inheritance. Some people have a genetic tendency towards less tolerance of certain products.
- Excess hygiene. From birth, we are exposed to bacteria that affect our immune system. Too strict compliance with hygiene prevents the development of immunity. Also, frequent use of antibiotics from early childhood may cause a decrease in immunity, which is manifested by food intolerance.
- To vary your diet too early. The digestive tract of infants is not adapted to such a wide variety of food. Infants should not be so diversified in their diets.
- New, unknown products appearing on the market. Exotic fruits, spices, vegetable oils from plants not growing in Europe - their consumption can also cause food intolerance.
- Industrialization of production. Artificialflavors, artificial additives, preservatives, chemical treatment of mass-produced food, mixtures, new technologies, an increasingly developed food production process, the use of genetic modification - all these may be the cause of allergens.
Food allergy and food intolerance: what are the differences?
The main difference between food allergy and food intolerance is the mechanism of the two types of ailments. Food allergy occurs as a result of improper work of the immune system, while in the case of food intolerance, we most often deal with a deficiency or lack of ingredients involved in the processes of digestion or absorption of nutrients.
Whether it's an allergy or a food intolerance, there are three steps to treating both conditions. The first is the observation of symptoms, then the diagnosis, and the third is the exclusion of harmful products.
Allergy and intolerance are often confused, although their course is so different.
To distinguish between them, analyze the symptoms. In the case of allergies, the body's reaction to the product you are allergic to is usually immediate. Most often it is swelling, causing breathing problems, as well as heart problems, including Quincke's edema, serious problems with the digestive system - vomiting, diarrhea.
When it comes to intolerance - the symptoms will be much more discreet: migraine, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness, constipation, rheumatic pain, infections, skin problems, and even diabetes. Food intolerance can have so many nonspecific symptoms that it is really hard to diagnose.
Therefore, the surest way to make a correct diagnosis is through allergy tests: blood tests, stool tests or skin tests. They allow to determine whether it is an allergy or intolerance and to precisely define which products should be absolutely excluded from the diet.
Food allergies in children
Food allergies in children, according to research, bother every tenth of them. The youngest often inherit them from their parents, but the risk of a food allergy in a child can also be minimized. What are the symptoms of a food allergy in a child? What is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? Listen to our expert - dietitian Agnieszka Piskała.