Medulloblastoma (fetal) is a malignant tumor that usually grows in the cerebellum. Medulloblastoma is one of the most common malignant tumors of the central nervous system in children. It is less common in adults. What are the causes and symptoms of medulloblastoma? Where does it most often metastasize? What is the treatment? What's the prognosis?
Medulloblastoma (fetal , Englishmedulloblastoma ) is a primary malignant neoplasm of the central nervous system, most often developing in the cerebellum (which is at the bottom of the back of the head, between the hemispheres of the brain). Medulloblastoma belongs to the group of primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs).
Medulloblastoma is the most common cancer of the central nervous system in children.
Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and accounts for about 20 percent. brain tumors in patients<21. roku życia. Szczyt zachorowalności występuje około 7. roku życia. 70 proc. rdzeniaków rozwija się u pacjentów poniżej 16. roku życia, a prawie 65 proc. pacjentów stanowią chłopcy.¹ Rdzeniak mózgu (medulloblstoma) rzadko występuje u dorosłych.
Medulloblastoma has the fourth highest degree of malignancy, which means the worstprognosis .Medulloblastomaquickly givesmetastasisvia the cerebrospinal fluid within the subarachnoid space of the spinal canal and brain .¹
Medulloblastoma (fetal) - causes and risk factors
The causes of the development of medulloblastoma are unknown. It is known that it most often affects the youngest. It has also been established that medulloblastoma may appear in patients with hereditary syndromes prone to tumor formation, e.g. Gorlin's syndrome, Turcot's syndrome, LiFraumeni syndrome.
Medulloblastoma (fetal) - symptoms
The early symptoms of medulloblastoma are not specific. In many cases, they can resemble many developmental diseases or infections. However, if they persist for a long time and increase over time, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
The following are the most common general symptoms:
- headache, described as oppressive
- dizziness
- nausea and vomiting
- enlarged lymph nodes, as well as stationary, with an uneven surface, abnormal consistency. Skin abnormalities in their vicinity should also cause concern (e.g. redness, warmth)
There may also be local symptoms related to the location of the medulloblastoma. It most often develops in the cerebellum, which is responsible for balance, motor coordination and eye movements, movement planning and muscle tension. Therefore, if the above-mentioned symptoms are accompanied, for example, by imbalance or abnormal eye movements, it is possible to suspect medulloblastoma.
Medulloblastoma (fetal) - diagnosis
If a brain tumor is suspected, an imaging examination of the head is performed, e.g. magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.
The final diagnosis is made on the basis of the histopathological examination of the tumor specimen obtained during the biopsy.
Medulloblastoma (fetal) - treatment
Standard medulloblastoma treatment includes:
- maximum resection (excision) of the tumor
- followed by local and craniospinal radiotherapy
- complementary chemotherapy
Due to long-term neurological side effects, radiation therapy is not used in children under 3 years of age. In infants and young children, chemotherapy is most often used after surgery in order to delay the irradiation that begins at the moment of recurrence or spread of neoplasms.
It is worth knowing that patients suffering from medulloblastoma can undergo proton therapy. It is a type of radiotherapy, during which a beam of radiation reaches the tumor with great precision, and the surrounding he althy tissues remain practically intact. Protonotherapy is very effective and, in addition, it practically does not cause complications, thanks to which you quickly recover. This type of therapy is carried out in the new Bronowice Cyclotron Center.
Medulloblastoma - prognosis
Patients are assigned to the standard (moderate) or high risk group of cancer progression .² The standard risk group includes children with preferred / favorable prognostic criteria, such as:
- age - over 3 years old
- the medullary has a minimal or practically residual range
- not spreading disease
The high-risk group includes children who do not meet the above criteria.
Despite the use of comprehensive treatment, almost half of the patients die in the early stages of tumor recurrence, and the majority of those cured suffer from neurological complications as a consequence of the applied therapy .²
Medulloblastoma - complications after treatment
- intellectual underdevelopment
- child growth disturbance (due to deficiency ofgrowth hormone)
- early puberty (especially in girls)
- spine development problems
1. Grajkowska W., Rdzeniak - the heterogeneity of the histopathological weaving, "Neurological News"
2. Medulloblastoma - medulloblastoma. Malignant brain tumor in childhood: