Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is a substance necessary for the functioning of each of our cells. Coenzyme Q10 is involved in the process of energy production in cells, improves their oxygenation, and protects against the damaging effects of free radicals. Its deficiency can be easily replenished by eating e.g. fish, spinach and broccoli.

Coenzyme Q10is necessary especially for the proper functioning of those organs that need a lot of energy to function, i.e. for the heart and skeletal muscles.

Properties of coenzyme Q10

As an antioxidant, Coenzyme Q10 has anti-cancer properties. It prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits in the arteries. The remarkable property of Q10 is its repair abilities - it not only prevents negative changes, but is also able to eliminate them.

Action of coenzyme Q10

This ingredient supports the treatment of many serious diseases:

  • circulatory failure,
  • ischemic heart disease,
  • hypertension,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • parodontosis,
  • certain muscle diseases,
  • type II diabetes,
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • Alzheimer's disease.

In people with too much pressure, it lowers it, but does not show such effect when the pressure is normal or too low.

Too low level of coenzyme Q10 in the body - causes

When the Q10 coenzyme is lacking in the body, chronic fatigue syndrome appears, as well as a decrease in immunity and physical efficiency, as well as symptoms from organs in which the deficit is most noticeable, e.g. decreased heart efficiency and heart problems.

The body produces some coenzyme, but this production declines after the age of 35. Deficiencies also arise in people who train sports intensively, work physically (the more intensively the body works, the more it uses this ingredient), sick people, living in a polluted environment.

That is why you need to supply the body with Q10.

Products containing coenzyme Q10

You will find it in fish, offal, oils, spinach, broccoli and whole grains.

This ingredient is sensitive to high temperature, therefore its content decreases during cooking as welllong storage. It is absorbed only in the presence of fats.

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