Which features of appearance are genetically determined? How is hair, eye and height color inherited? Gentlemen often say: you want to know what your girlfriend will look like in several dozen years, take a look at her mother and your future mother-in-law. And they are right … Find out what traits we inherit from our parents.
Dad's eyes, mom's nose. How isinheriting appearance traits from parents ? Willgeneticsgive you the answer? Indeed, you can see yourself in the faces of your mothers like in a mirror. See how you get older and what skin problems appear over the years. But all these changes can also be an invaluable guide on how to proceed to avoid what you don't like about your mom's appearance. Only half of our traits are genetically determined. So what beauty features do you inherit?
Inheritance: skin
Inherited from the ancestors, it can cause skin problems. If you get a fair complexion, you will likely suffer from photodermatoses (hypersensitivity to sunlight). But there is also a piece of advice - you should prepare your skin for sunbathing in spring, sunbathing in the summer, not lying on the beach.
Inheritance: growth
It is true that it is the result of the height of both parents, but here, more clearly than in other situations, it is determined by external conditions, and most of all the diet and diseases during childhood. Children who are sick, poorly nourished, constantly taking medications, and physically inactive, may not reach their parents' height. The correct presumptive height of the child is easy to calculate using the formula: add the height of the father and mother in cm, then subtract 13 (for a girl) or add 13 (for a boy) and divide the result by 2.
Inheritance: eye color
When the dominant gene takes over, we usually have dark eyes, and when recessive our eyes are blue. On the other hand, if the father has a recessive and dominant gene, it is 50 percent each. the chances that the offspring will have dark or light eyes. When both parents have blue eyes, their child will have no beer. Such a pair has two recessive genes each, so they cannot pass on dominant genes to the child.
Inheritance: birthmarks
It happens that subsequent generations in the family have a mark in the same place. It's the effect of genes. You inheritalso prone to moles (pigmented, epidermal, seborrheic). If your mature mom has multiple pigmented lesions, you will too. If you use the sun a lot, you can have even more.
Inheritance: skin condition
The skin type and color are transferred from parents to children. If either of them was prone to seborrhoea, the children will also have this problem. The assumption of a predisposition to atopy is a consequence of inheriting allergies. The same applies to couperose skin.
On the other hand, rosacea is the result of a family predisposition to digestive system disorders, and not a defect of the skin itself. If mom has dry skin, she should remind her daughter to carefully moisturize the body from an early age. And in the daily menu, limit pickles and sweets as well as dishes with a lot of spicy spices. Parents with seborrhoeic skin should educate their children to carefully care for their skin. Thanks to this, the younger generation will not have acne scars.
Wrinkles after mom
Thick and single wrinkles, the so-called American scientists believe that facial expressions are more the result of observing and duplicating the facial expressions of the parents than of a genetic decline. But those that form a dense network of tiny wrinkles on the skin are already the result of our genes. This is how the skin in our family ages.
Inheritance: hair color
When the dominant gene is in the top, we have dark hair, while the recessive - light hair. A combination of recessive genes determines the birth of a blonde. Dark hair is the result of combining a recessive and a dominant gene, or a combination of two dominant genes. If your hair color is different than that of your parents, it is a sign that you took it over from your grandparents, for example. Curly hair gives the dominant gene, and straight hair - recessive. It is the same with the length of the eyelashes and the thickness of the eyebrows. The tendency to graying and baldness is also a genetic decline.
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