L-carnitine is an essential and irreplaceable substance for our body. And like no other, it burns fat. Athletes like it. Now it is used by people on a diet who want to lose excess pounds. What are the properties of L-carnitine?

We are often tempted in commercials by a photo of a bodybuilder. Intrigued, we look at what he advertises:L-carnitine . The first association - "drugs" for bodybuilders. But is it right? Known for many years, however, it was not until the end of the 20th century that it became famous. Currently, it is gaining incredible popularity among athletes and fitness instructors. Research shows that it can also be an alternative for people who are looking for an answer to the question:how to lose weight .

What is L-Carnitine?

Carnitine was discovered in muscle tissue in 1905. Its name comes from the Latin word carnis - meat. It also has its second, much older - today only historical - name, vitamin BT. Biologists have defined it as a substance necessary for the proper growth of organisms.

L-carnitine is a vitamin-derived substance. It comes in two forms, D and L. Form D is biologically inactive, and levorotatory L-carnitine has complex physiological and therapeutic effects. The human body contains approximately 20-25 grams of L-carnitine. The human body synthesizes a small amount of carnitine (approx. 25%), and its basic source for the organism isdiet(approx. 75%). The liver is the main place of synthesis of this substance, although the process also takes place to a lesser extent in the kidneys, heart muscle, skeletal muscles and intestines. In the process of its own synthesis, the body uses the amino acids lysine and methionine, B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid and iron. Deficiency of even one of the above-mentioned substrates reduces the production of L-carnitine in the body.

L-carnitine demand

Self-synthesis satisfies the organism's needs only to a small extent. The body draws L-carnitine mainly from the food provided. It is found primarily in meat and dairy products. Vegetable raw materials contain only small amounts of this substance, which is why people on a vegetarian diet are most at risk ofcarnitine deficiencies. Note that slimming diets are usually devoid of products containing it, as well as often the precursors from which this "vitamin" is made. The demand also increases significantly in pregnant women and nursing mothers.

TABLE: L-carnitine content in food

Type of foodL-carnitine content [mg / kg]
Venison, mutton1000-2200
Milk, cheese, dairy products10-100
Vegetables, fruits0-10

L-carnitine deficiency - symptoms

The first signs of a deficiency usually go unnoticed. However, over time, the physical and intellectual performance of the body deteriorates. After slight physical exertion, severe fatigue and even signs of exhaustion appear. The morphological parameter informing about carnitine deficiency is the increased content of blood lipids.

Slimming with L-carnitine

L-carnitine plays an important role in the weight loss process, it improves and speeds up the processes of fat metabolism in the body. It is necessary for the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria - specific cell factories of the body. In the mitochondria, fatty acids are oxidized (burned) and thus the energy necessary for the implementation of the vital functions of the system is generated. By making better use of the energy contained in food, it helps people on a diet to adapt to diet changes and reduce the amount of calories provided in meals. Losing weight with a carnitine deficiency does not bring the expected results, because it prevents the oxidation of fatty acids.

We recommend

Author: Time S.A

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Find out moreWorth knowing

How does fat burning increase with L-carnitine?

In 2000, scientists from the University of Leipzig created such a research model that determines the effectiveness of "fat burners". They labeled dietary fat with a carbon isotope, thuscan tell how much fat is burned over a certain period of time. And it turned out - after a week of using L-carnitine lozenges, the fat burning rate increased by 70% in the respondents.

L-carnitine in sport

L-carnitine plays an important role especially during long-term exercise, during which the body depends on the use of energy from high-energy fatty substances. Professional athletes and people practicing physical exercise have an increased demand for L-carnitine, as it optimizes energy processes in the muscles and accelerates the period of post-workout muscle regeneration. It improves aerobic capacity and muscle endurance, and reduces muscle catabolism (breakdown).

Carnitine vs toxins

L-carnitine has detoxifying abilities. This is due to the chelating (binding) properties and anti-free radical activity. Chelation is the binding of metallic elements, i.e. depriving them of their activity. In this way, the poisonous substances are gently removed outside the body. Antiradical activity is an important element of detoxification (detoxification) of the system. L-carnitine is considered to be one of the most valuable antioxidants. It both eliminates radicals and protects cells against the destructive effects of these structures.

Healing effects of L-carnitine

The biochemistry of L-carnitine indicates that it may aid he alth in specific cases. It is believed to have preventive, healing and supportive effects in the presence of diseases: cardiovascular, kidney, neurological, mental, liver, cancer, obesity, infertility, and diabetes, and it has been found that it delays the aging process.
