Eye diseases and sight defects affect more and more people. Even seemingly trivial vision problems can herald cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or atherosclerosis, or eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy or various degenerations. Find out about the causes and symptoms of the most common eye diseases and how to treat them.
Eye diseasesoften develop slowly, and patients ignore seemingly trivial vision problems, forgetting that they can signal not only serious eye diseases but also systemic diseases.
The first signs that something is wrong with your eyesight appear in your forties. We move the newspaper aside, because the letters blur when we hold it close. Our eyes hurt and sting. Headaches join in with time. We ignore these symptoms and attribute them to fatigue or "age".
It's true that a lot of eye problems appear as the body ages. But you must not underestimate them and hope that they will pass by themselves. Cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and diabetes are especially dangerous because they can lead to irreversible changes in the eye. Therefore, when you notice that your eyesight is impaired, do not delay your visit to the ophthalmologist to find out what is wrong with you. The method of treatment depends on the nature of the problem. Sometimes glasses are enough. Other times an operation is needed.
Below is an overview of the most common vision defects and eye diseases.
Hyperopia - visual defect
Symptoms of hyperopia.You can see blurry up close. You have trouble threading the needle. But when you take it away from your eyes, you can see well.
Causes of hyperopia.Gradually, the flexibility of the accommodative muscles decreases, and the lens becomes harder and loses its ability to round. When viewed closely, it becomes too flat, so it refracts the rays badly. As a result, they focus not on the retina, but outside it.
Treatment of hyperopia:the problem will be solved by plus glasses. If you wear glasses far away, now you will need a second pair for close-up work. In this situation, bifocal or progressive lenses are convenient. You can also use lenses or opt for laser correction of the defect.
Read also: Farsightedness (hyperopia): causes,symptoms, treatment
Short-sightedness - visual defect
Symptoms of myopia . You can see well up close, but distant objects are blurry, blurry. The more advanced the disease, the more visible the distance at which patients can see decreases. Apart from visual disturbances, there may also be headaches as well as a feeling of tension and fatigue in the eyeballs.
Causes of myopia . Myopia may be inherited, but environmental factors are believed to lead to its formation. Close-up visual work, such as reading, writing and computer work, is considered to be the main cause of the disease, when, as a result of excessive "straining" of the eyes, compensatory eyeball lengthening occurs.
Treatment of myopia . The easiest solution is glasses or contact lenses. Orthocorrection or laser correction can be applied.
Read also: Myopia: causes, symptoms, treatment
Symptoms of presbyopia. Almost overnight, the contours of the letters of the newspaper or book you read start to blur. In the restaurant menu, detailed descriptions of dishes printed in smaller fonts become blurry, but the menu viewed through the partner's shoulder can be read without any problems. Causes of presbyopia. Presbyopia is not a visual impairment and should not be confused with hyperopia. In old age, it inevitably affects everyone. This is because in old age the lens gradually becomes less flexible, loses the ability to accommodate, i.e. good vision of distant and close objects. Treatment of presbyopia. The solution is glasses. People who previously had to wear them due to some kind of sight defect are forced to use two pairs of glasses interchangeably when presbyopia develops. You can choose bifocal glasses or laser correction.
Read also: Presbiopia - everything you need to know
Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome symptoms . Patients have constantly irritated, burning, dry eyes, they feel tired and heavy.
Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome . The ailment is related to insufficient eye lubrication or an incorrect composition of tears. The cause of the symptoms is usually eye strain, but it also applies to people suffering from, for example, rheumatoid arthritis.
Treatment of dry eye syndrome . Usually, it is enough to use moisturizing drops, the so-called artificial tears. Also, remember to blink frequently while working at the computer. However, it is worth going to an ophthalmologist to have the doctor check the eyesthey give off enough tears. It is a simple test that involves placing a special blotting paper under the lower eyelids (Schirmer's test). If there are not enough tears, the doctor will insert special plugs into the tear ducts. Such a procedure perfectly improves the comfort of vision
Read also: Dry Eye Syndrome (ZSO): when eyes are burning and dry
Worth knowingHow does the eye work?
When we look at something, light rays are caught by the convex, transparent cornea. They then pass through the aqueous humor, squeeze through the pupil and fall into the eye. The pupil plays the same role in the eye as the diaphragm in a camera: it narrows (when it is bright) and widens (when it is dark), regulating the flow of light. The rays reach the lens, which flattens (when we look into the distance) or becomes more convex (when we look closely) due to the contractions of the accommodative muscles. As a result, the rays refract at different angles in it. There is only one condition: the angle must be such that they focus on the retina after passing through the lens.
There, light is converted into electrical impulses thanks to special receptors. Photosensitive suppositories are responsible for day vision, rods step into action when it's dark. The impulses travel to the brain via the optic nerve, where they are "changed" into images of objects being viewed. Most photosensitive cells are in the center of the retina - the macula. It enables us to see clearly what we have in front of our eyes. Between the lens and the retina, there is a vitreous body that maintains adequate pressure in the eye.
Symptoms of glaucoma.The peripheral parts of the image are missing, spots or bright fringes appear around light sources, you have difficulty adapting to vision in the dark, your head hurts. The essence of the disease is usually increased intraocular pressure caused by excessive production of aqueous humor or disturbance of its outflow from the eyeball. Abnormal intraocular pressure leads to changes in the optic nerve.
The causes of glaucoma.Not fully understood, but it is known that it is favored by age over 35, myopia greater than 4 diopters, low blood pressure, migraines and stress as well as genetic disposition. The development of glaucoma is also influenced by changes in the vessels caused by atherosclerosis or diabetes. He attacks women more often. It usually develops in both eyes.
Treatment of glaucoma.Glaucoma drops are given to lower the pressure in the eye, as well as medications to improve the blood supply to the optic nerve. In chronic disease with obstruction of the drainage angle (the place where the liquid flows out), laser treatments are performedremoving the "dam". Sometimes surgery is necessary, which involves cutting out some tissues and creating new drainage pathways.
Read also: Glaucoma - what are the causes, symptoms and types of glaucoma?
Cataract (cataract)
Cataract symptoms.Your eyes are watering, you can see behind the fog or double or colored fringes. After all, you can distinguish between light and dark spots or only have a sense of light. It is characterized by a cloudy lens.
Causes of cataracts.Doctors consider it a natural manifestation of the aging process. With age, the vessels stiffen and less food is transferred to the lens. As a result, it loses its flexibility and transparency. Less light enters the eye and therefore we see worse. The cloudy process usually starts around the age of sixty, is slow, and occurs in one or both eyes. People with diabetes, chronic eye inflammation and smokers are at risk of it. Hereditary tendencies are also observed.
Cataract treatment.A drug that would stop or reverse the disease has not yet been invented. Usually, at the beginning, eye drops are given to slow down its development, but sooner or later an operation is necessary to replace the cloudy lens with an artificial one. It is performed under local anesthesia. It takes about half an hour. Depending on the type of the inserted lens, after three months, glasses for distance vision or reading are selected. The latest generation lenses allow you to look far and close without glasses.
Read also: CATARIS: symptoms. Cataract Removal Methods
ImportantBased on the interview, the doctor can initially figure out what is the cause of the ailments. He inquires about age, profession, working conditions, medications, nutrition and lifestyle. It is important whether we suffer from hypertension, diabetes or cancer. The ophthalmologist is also interested in whether there is anybody suffering from eye disease in the family. Then he examines the eyelids, conjunctiva, and the front of the eye. Then he proceeds to further ophthalmological examinations. He thoroughly checks every part of our eye.
Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Symptoms of AMD . You have a blurry image with undulating edges on objects. There is a dark spot in the center of the field of view, so you need to look sideways.
Causes of AMD.The causes of the disease are not yet fully understood. It attacks in old age, but it can also occur in young people. It affects smokers more often. It is favored by metabolic disorders and an increase in the amount of free radicals in the body, which damage the eye's blood vessels and destroy the photosensitive receptors of the retina. But a spot maybepermanently damage a sharp light, e.g. a ray of the sun reflected from a mirror.
AMD Treatment.Depends on the type of ailment. In the case of the dry type (no blood exudates to the macula), which develops slowly and leads to partial vision loss, drugs that improve circulation and preparations containing vitamins with antioxidant activity (A, C, E) and lutein are used, which slow down the development of the disease. For the less common exudative form (it develops quickly and is a serious eye hazard) photodynamic therapy is helpful. A special preparation is administered intravenously, and then the degenerated blood vessels are destroyed with the help of laser beams. The blindness process can be stopped if treatment is given in the early stages of the disease.
Read also: AMD, or Macular Degeneration - Causes and Treatment of AMD
Vitreous degeneration (vitreous floaters)
Vitreous degeneration symptoms.You have a blurry image. The ferns and flying "flies" make it difficult for you to see. The clear substance can develop turbidities that "float" in the field of view. Occasionally there is a haemorrhage into the vitreous. If it is not completely absorbed, an obstacle remains in the field of view.
Causes of vitreous degeneration.The disease is favored by diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, as well as degenerative changes in the cervical spine (pressure leads to eye hypoxia) and stress (causes vasospasm) .
Treatment of vitreous degeneration.The most common way is to administer drops (Vitreolent), which partially dissolve the cloudiness. However, in severe conditions, an operating procedure (vitrectomy) is performed, which consists in removing the vitreous body and replacing it with a special preparation.
Read also: Vitreous floaters: causes and treatment of vitreous clouding
Retinal degeneration
Symptoms of retinal degeneration . You have strange "holes" in the images you see. There are spots and spider veins in front of the eyes.
Causes of retinal degeneration . Apart from the aging processes and genetically determined changes, the condition of the retina is influenced by systemic diseases (diabetes, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension). They lead to changes in arterial and venous vessels. As a result, retinal hypoxia occurs. Sometimes weakened vessels burst, causing bloodshed. It is absorbed slowly, leaving scars that interfere with vision. Congestion and blood clots are the most dangerous - they can cause blindness.
Treatment of degenerationvolleyball . The disease that caused the degenerative changes in the retina must be treated. Drugs that improve blood circulation and vitamins are also administered.
Diabetic retinopathy
Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy.The image gradually becomes blurred, "debris" appears in the field of view.
Causes of diabetic retinopathy.This is the most common complication of diabetes. As a result of the disease, first the capillaries are damaged, then the receptors and nerve fibers of the retina. Weakened blood vessel walls leak blood, which leads to the formation of ecchymoses, edema and exudates. The changed vessels do not supply the retina with enough nutrients. In advanced disease, blood vessels close, while new blood vessels are formed above the retina, which can grow into the vitreous body. Occasionally, retinal dissection occurs.
Treatment of diabetic retinopathy.Typically laser photocoagulation is used. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to destroy abnormal vessels and protect the retina from the spread of changes. The disease cannot be completely cured.
Read also: Diabetic retinopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment
Retinitis pigmentosa
Symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa . There is a gradual deterioration of vision in the dark and in poor lighting. Peripheral vision is disturbed, which causes telescope vision, i.e. only central vision is preserved, which is similar to looking through a keyhole. Some people may experience night blindness (noctalopia) periodically.
The causes of retinitis pigmentosa . Retinitis pigmentosa ( retinitis pigmentosa ) is a disease that is usually hereditary, the essence of which is the deposition of a pigment in the retina of the eye.
Treatment of retinitis pigmentosa . The changes in the retina of the eye are irreversible, treatment is focused on visual rehabilitation. There are trials of treatment with vasodilators, high doses of vitamins A and E. Surgical methods are currently in the experimental stage, as well as gene therapy or stem cell transplantation.
Read also: Retinitis pigmentosa, or retinitis pigmentosa
Retinal detachment
Symptoms of retinal detachment . No pain is associated with detachment of the photosensitive tissue from the eyeball wall. The patient has "flying flies", "black rain", dots or the so-calledfarfocle, then the field of view is significantly reduced. When we see flashes, it is a sign that the eye has stimulated the retina, which may be the first sign of damage, most often a tear. If, through this tear, fluid enters the retina and detaches it, we suddenly lose vision on the opposite side of the detachment. For example, detachment of the retina from the top means that we cannot see from the bottom. Each sudden loss of vision is a signal that urgent medical attention is needed.
Treatment of retinal detachment . If treatment is started soon after the first symptoms of the disease are noticed, good visual acuity can be restored. If the operation is delayed, the patient may lose his sight completely because the retina will lose contact with the blood vessels that nourish it and will die. The ophthalmologist selects the method of treatment according to the type of detachment. A person who has had a retinal detachment in one eye needs to have a close eye exam 2-3 times a year due to the risk of developing the condition in the other eye.
Read also: Retinal detachment can cause blindness
Symptoms of conjunctivitis . It is primarily a congestion and burning of the eyeballs. In acute inflammation, the eye is very bloodshot, the conjunctiva is swollen, and there is mucus or pus. There may be increased tearing, burning, itching, and photophobia.
Causes of conjunctivitis . It can be acute, appear suddenly, as an allergic reaction, or harass us for a long time. The disease may be non-contagious or, if it is caused by bacteria or viruses, it is contagious.
Treatment of conjunctivitis . If there is no bacterial infection, treatment does not require antibiotics. Disinfecting and alleviating unpleasant symptoms are enough. When the disease is allergic, antihistamines are administered orally and in eye drops. If the conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria, staphylococcus aureus or chlamydia, antibiotic treatment is required.
Read also: Conjunctivitis - symptoms and treatment
You must do itHow to prolong the youthfulness of your eyes?
- Do not neglect the follow-up visits to the ophthalmologist. A he althy person over 50 should have their eyes checked once a year.
- Save your eyes. If you work with your eyesight, take breaks. Long-term staring at fine print or computer screen causes the accommodative muscles and the lens to lose their flexibility faster.
- Don't smoke. Smoking is conducive to diseases of the blood vessels of the eye, it increases the risk of its occurrencecataracts and macular degeneration.
- Take care of a he althy diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially those containing vitamins A, C and E, beta-carotene and lutein. You will find vitamin A in liver and fish, C - in black currants, parsley, citrus fruits, E - in soybeans, celery, peppers, beta-carotene - in carrots, apricots, spinach, and lutein in blueberries, savoy cabbage, spinach, broccoli, egg yolk, oranges.
- You must protect your eyes from the sun. Wear sunscreen with sunscreen and avoid looking directly at the sun.
When writing the text, I used materials by Magdalena Moraszczyk and Anna Jarosz from the archival issues of the ZDROWIE monthly.