The luteal phase begins immediately after ovulation, i.e. the release of the ovarian follicle, and continues until the next menstrual bleeding, which is the first day of the next cycle. The luteal phase, often referred to as the luteal phase, owes its name to lutein - a pigment accumulated in the cells of the ovarian granular layer. In regularly menstruating women, it lasts 14 days with cycles of 28 days.

The luteal phaseis associated with the vascularization of the corpus luteum. This term is used to describe the process of vacuole formation within the granular layer of the ovary, regulated by the serum concentration of progesterone. The corpus luteum itself is a richly vascularized structure composed of two layers of lutein cells - containing the dye - lutein.

A normal menstrual cycle consists of three phases: follicular, ovulation and luteal.

The first layer is the reshaped granular layer of the ovary, the second relatively smaller layer is made up of the tecal layer of the ovary. Larger cells are characterized by greater hormonal activity. They are partly responsible for the production of oxytocin and relaxin.

The production of progesterone is correlated with the pulses of the LH hormone, which peak at the period of ovulation, which is manifested, among others, by increased body temperature. Many women who meticulously observe their body during the menstrual cycle, including the observation of cervical mucus, can accurately estimate the time of ovulation.

Luteal phase length

The length of the luteal phase is an individual matter, modified by many factors, including environmental. In regular menstruating women with an average cycle length of 28 days, the luteal phase is 14 days. The normal limit is between 10 and 16 days. Therefore, any shortening or lengthening of this phase may be disturbing and may be the reason for visiting a doctor. It should be emphasized that a prolonged luteal phase suggests pregnancy and requires verification in the form of a pregnancy test.

Many women are interested in determining fertility during this period. Well, the luteal phase is classified as infertile, and the risk of fertilization is minimal.


LH hormone

LH secretion is regulated by the hypothalamus and is based on a feedback loop. The parent substance is gonadoliberin, the increase of whichstimulates LH secretion. A high concentration of the LH hormone occurs during the period of ovulation and is mainly involved in maintaining the function of the corpus luteum.

Testing the concentration of luteinizing hormone is recommended especially in the case of menstrual disorders, in order to determine the date of ovulation, in pituitary diseases and many others. The correct level oscillates on the level:

  • follicular phase 1.4 - 9.6 mlU / ml;
  • ovulation 2.3 - 21 mlU / ml.

Among the pharmacological substances there are those that model the secretion of the LH hormone. An example is drugs commonly used in seizures. Increased LH levels can be a symptom of pituitary adenomas, while too low levels indicate insufficiency at the level of the pituitary or hypothalamus.

Luteal phase failure

Luteal phase insufficiency may be evidenced by:

  • problems with getting pregnant or maintaining it (habitual miscarriages)
  • genital spotting
  • lengthening or shortening the menstrual cycle.

An excellent diagnostic tool is the observation of body temperature, after at least a 6-hour rest, which is caused by progesterone produced by the corpus luteum. Proper functioning of the corpus luteum is reflected by the increase in temperature immediately after ovulation, which lasts up to 6 days.

It is also worth measuring the level of serum progesterone, prolactin and TSH. Treatment depends on the cause of the disorder. Stimulation of the corpus luteum to function properly can be done pharmacologically. In the case of other hormonal disorders, the manifestation of which is the failure of this phase of the cycle, it is necessary to regulate the hormones. It is worth taking care of a well-balanced diet, the basis of which should be the gradual elimination of animal fats, rich in fiber.
