Curettage (abrasion) of the uterus is a procedure that is performed for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, e.g. it allows for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer. However, it is associated with many complications, e.g. perforation of the uterine wall or the development of infection. Check what are the indications for uterine curettage, what is the procedure and what complications may occur.
- Uterine curettage - indications
- Uterine curettage - how to prepare?
- Uterine curettage - what is it?
- Uterine curettage - complications
Uterine curettage(also known asuterine abrasionor - more commonly -cleaning the uterus), or uterine abrasion, is a procedure that involves removing the diseased uterine tissue with a special surgical spoon. Uterine curettage is not only a therapeutic procedure, but also a diagnostic one, as it enables the collection of material from the inside of the uterus for further examination.
Uterine curettage - indications
Uterine curettage can be performed after delivery - if it is suspected that the placenta has not detached properly.
An indication for uterine curettage is also a miscarriage. The doctor can perform them if he or she is concerned about the remnants of the miscarriage remaining in the uterus.
Other indications for this treatment are:
- postmenopausal bleeding
- irregular, heavy periods, without a diagnosed reason
- thickening of the endometrial layer
- uterine polyps
- suspected endometrial cancer
Uterine curettage is also used to diagnose infertility.
Uterine curettage - how to prepare?
You don't need to prepare for the uterus cleaning procedure. The patient should only be fasting.
Uterine curettage - what is it?
The patient is given a short general anesthesia. Then a speculum is inserted into the vagina, and gynecological crutches are placed over the cervix. Thanks to them, the uterus will be stable during curettage.
The next stage of the procedure is the introduction of a special surgical spoon through the previously dilated cervix to remove the uterine contents (called a "scraper"). Materialextracted from the uterine cavity is sent for laboratory examination.
The treatment takes about 10 minutes. The patient is aroused from anesthesia and can leave the hospital 3-4 hours after its completion, but should be taken home by a loved one.
After the procedure, the patient may complain of pain in the lower abdomen or slight bleeding (use pads, not tampons). In addition, you should refrain from intercourse for at least three days or possibly longer. It is recommended that the patient takes 1-2 days off from work.
Uterine curettage - complications
Curettage of the uterus carries the following risks:
- perforation of the uterine wall
- development of infection within the uterine cavity
- uterine bleeding
Another serious complication after uterine abrasion may be Asherman's syndrome, the essence of which are adhesions inside the uterine cavity, resulting from trauma during curettage.
Complications occur very rarely.
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