We can go for walks now - to the park or to the forest. And ticks don't care about coronavirus. So the question arises, if you are bitten by a tick, will you be able to distinguish the symptoms of Lyme disease that is beginning from the symptoms of the coronavirus? And are those who already have Lyme disease more at risk of coronavirus?

Coronavirus is still a new disease for us and we still don't know many answers. We already know Lyme disease perfectly well. What can be said about the relationship between these diseases at the moment?

Ticks do not transmit coronavirus

Or at least it doesn't have any evidence. Coronovirus spreads from person to person by airborne droplets, and ticks transfer germs to us in their saliva. Scientists believe that since they did not infect us with the so far known strains of coronaviruses, they will not infect us with new ones.

Can coronavirus symptoms be confused with Lyme disease?

It would be really hard to confuse the two diseases. Just look at the table below.

Symptoms of CoronavirusSymptoms of Lyme disease
headachewandering erythema
sore throatmuscle and joint pain
feverfever or low fever
feeling tiredjoint stiffness, numbness
conjunctivitisfatigue, weakness
loss of smell and tastedepressed mood and irritability
trouble breathingmemory and concentration disorders
pneumoniasensitivity to light and sounds

Of course, in both diseases it may be that only some symptoms are present, or there are no symptoms at all. Experts emphasize that in both cases, it is necessary to perform tests to confirm whether it is Lyme disease or whether it is a coronavirus.

Is the coronavirus more dangerous for people with Lyme disease?

The Lyme disease treatment protocol is simple. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, antibiotics are simply given for several weeks. This is the recommendation of the American Infectious Disease Society (IDSA) iPolish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases. Lyme disease treatment, like any antibiotic treatment, has its side effects. Therefore, if you are in the process, it is worthwhile to carefully follow all the recommendations that result from the current pandemic. So first of all:

  1. wash and disinfect your hands often
  2. wear a mask
  3. use social distancing

Read also:

  • Do ticks transmit the coronavirus?
  • How to make a mask filter at home?
  • How to convince a 5-year-old to use the mask?
  • Do you sweat your hands in disposable gloves? See what to do.
  • How to use disposable gloves so that they do not become a source of infection?
  • Sex strengthens immunity - does it protect against coronavirus?
  • WHO warns that the second wave of the epidemic is certain - Poles, however, are afraid of another disease
  • Will the swimming pools and fitness clubs start again soon?
How to prevent, recognize and treat … Lyme disease guide now available!

Author: press materials

Is this an epidemic?

Some doctors say they do, but call it an epidemic quietly because nobody officially wants to admit it. The number of cases of Lyme disease increases rapidly. Worldwide, the number of cases has increased by an average of several hundred percent over the past 20 years, although it is possible that the percentage may be much higher, as some are not reported or diagnosed properly.

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