Apricots are not only very tasty, but also promote he alth and beauty. First of all, they contain antioxidants that have anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. Apricots have a positive effect on blood pressure, digestion and kidney function, they are also alkaline-forming, so people suffering from hyperacidity should eat them.
Their sunny colorapricotsis due to beta-carotene, the yellow pigment from which the liver produces vitamin A.Beta-caroteneis a powerful antioxidant protecting us against the harmful effects of free radicals responsible for the development of civilization diseases and accelerating the aging process of the organism. It is invaluable for the eyes and gives the skin a young, he althy look. It is enough to eat 3 apricots a day to provide the body with the right amount of this antioxidant.
Apricots - he alth properties
Thanks to the large amount of potassium, they regulate blood pressure and kidney function. They contain a lot of iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B, C, PP, and fiber. They improve digestion and prevent anemia. But that's not the end of their advantages!
Apricots are alkaline (especially when dried). That is why they are recommended for acidosis and for people who eat meat that has acidifying properties every day.
It is worth eating a few fruits after training to restore the acid-base balance in the body. Note: dried apricots have more beta-carotene, but are more caloric. 100 g of fresh fruit is 47 kcal, dried - 284 kcal!
Apricots - application
Apricots are the tastiest when they are fully ripe. When harvested earlier, they do not mature easily, so they lose their taste. Pay attention to whether they have an orange or intensely yellow, smooth skin with a characteristic blush. It is best to eat them right away or prepare preserves from them: jam, preserve, mousse, jelly, exquisite aromatic liqueur or tincture. You can keep the apricots in the refrigerator for a short time. They taste great in salads, also dry ones, and go well with meats (e.g. as stuffing). They are an excellent addition to cakes, desserts, dumplings, dumplings.
Apricot seeds, depending on the variety, sweet (growing in Asia) or bitter (European) can replace almonds in the kitchen. Use bitters in moderation, 1-2 seeds are enough to give the dish a delicate "almond"taste. The seeds are also used to squeeze the oil used in cakes, valued in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

the article was published in the monthly "Zdrowie"