Linseed oil is pressed from the seeds of the flax. It is a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Thanks to its healing properties, linseed oil has found its application for many ailments. In addition, it has been appreciated in cosmetics - as an oil for the face or hair. What are the properties of linseed oil and how to consume it?
Linseed oilis cold pressed from flax seeds, i.e. linseed. Their most important advantage is the content of approx. 45% fat, which mainly includesunsaturated omega-3 fatty acidsandomega-6 . With the help of monounsaturated acids in our body, the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol is lowered, while increasing the index of "good" HDL cholesterol. Changing the above proportions significantly reduces the risk of diseases related to the cardiovascular system.
Healing properties of linseed oil
The extraordinary we alth of beneficial substances contained in linseed oil makes it, apart from its traditional culinary purpose, a preparation with an extremely wide range of he alth applications:
- supports the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (including hypertension),
- supports the functioning of the nervous system and improves the memory function,
- helps with gastric and duodenal ulcers,
- supports the treatment of chronic intestinal inflammation,
- strengthens and regenerates mucous membranes along the entire length of the digestive tract,
- lowers the level of "bad cholesterol",
- thanks to its antioxidant properties, it is used in cancer prevention,
- is also an effective means of relieving the effects of chronic constipation.
Nutritional values of linseed oil
Linseed oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids
The rich content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in linseed oil is of great importance. Our body is not able to produce them on its own, so they must be supplied with food. They are essential for the proper transport of blood lipids, especially cholesterol. At the same time, they lower its overall level.
Omega-3 fatty acids have a particularly positive effect on the metabolism of HDL cholesterol. They cause an increase in the level of its HDL2 subtype, considered by researchers to be the highestan ally in the fight against atherosclerosis.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also the main building blocks of the membranes of all cells in our body, and are also involved in stimulating numerous life processes. They are used to synthesize biologically active substances regulating:
- blood pressure,
- work of the cardiovascular system,
- work of the central nervous system
- and the work of the peripheral nervous system.
Unsaturated fatty acids are also important for proper functioning:
- digestive tract,
- respiratory system,
- and also the kidneys
- and reproductive organs.
Their deficiency may result in impairment of the functions of many internal organs and increased susceptibility to infections and skin changes such as flaking, discoloration or excessive drying.
Lack of adequate amounts of unsaturated fatty acids can lead to infertility.
Important100 g of linseed oil pressed contain about 70 g of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.
Linseed oil contains vitamin E
Linseed oil contains a lot of vitamin E, popularly known as the vitamin of youth. The salutary effects of its action on the skin and general beauty are well known.
Few of us realize, however, that vitamin E:
- significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease,
- reduces plaque build-up
- and causes a decrease in blood cholesterol levels.
Research conducted for 8 years in the United States, on a group of over 120,000 he althy people, showed that taking an increased dose of vitamin E for at least 2 years brings the effect of reducing the risk of coronary heart disease by as much as 40%.
How to use linseed oil?
Linseed oil is used primarily in the kitchen. It can be eaten as an addition to dishes, salads and salads. Linseed oil can also be taken directly raw.
It is not recommended to use linseed oil for frying and heat treatment as it loses its properties.
linseed oil for face and hair
Linseed oil can also be used externally in skin diseases and hair loss.
It accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis and dermis, which is why it is useful in the treatment of bedsores, ulcers and boils. Linseed oil also improves the overall condition of the body and well-being.
Find out more: Linseed oil for hair and skin. Cosmetic use of linseed oil
How to drink linseed oil - in the morning or in the evening?
Instead of adding linseed oil to your dishes, you can also drink it yourself. The recommended daily dose of linseed oil is approx. 30 ml per day, i.e. 2 tablespoons.
Linseed oil is recommended to drink in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.
Store it in dark bottles (preferably in a darkened room or refrigerator), as linseed oil decomposes under the influence of light and high temperature.
- Dr Budwig diet, i.e. linseed oil versus disease
- Linseed - nutritional properties. How to drink and use linseed?
- Linen - he alth and healing properties of flax
Seeds good for he alth

Due to the special properties of linseed oil, it should not be used for frying. Used cold, it is the perfect addition to salads, sauces, cooked vegetables and more. It is an excellent solution for people who are slimming and caring for their figure, because it improves the processes of fat burning and prevents its accumulation.