Warriors used to drink wine with the addition of borage leaves, believing that it gave them courage. Today we know that this may not be entirely true, but borage has many real healing and beautifying properties. Why is it worth reaching for borage oil and borage oil?
Modern medicine highly appreciatesthe he alth properties of borage , which it owes to the content of extremely many substances that have a beneficial effect on our body. These include flavonoids, mucilages, tannins, resins, organic acids, mineral s alts - silicon, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc - as well as large amounts of carotene and vitamin C. But the real treasure is hidden in the seeds of this plant. It is boragoglandin - an oil with a high content of essential unsaturated fatty acids, incl. linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. It is this oil that is an ingredient of various cosmetics and medicinal preparations; You can also buy boragoglandin-only capsules.
Borage supports the circulatory system
Linolenic acids and omega acids reduce the level of the so-called bad cholesterol (LDL), prevent its oxidation and deposition in the form of deposits in the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, they normalize the level of good cholesterol (HDL), which removes excess fat cells from the veins and arteries, and thus reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In addition, they have an anti-aggregating effect on blood platelets - they improve blood flow in the blood vessels, lower blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Consuming borage oil also significantly reduces inflammatory reactions, which are the basis of many diseases, not only of the heart, but also of some cancers or autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Borage facilitates the fight against "spiders"
Both fatty acids - especially gamma-linolenic acid - and flavonoids, which are abundantly rich in borage, and additionally, silicon s alts have strong anti-inflammatory properties. The content of these compounds in skin care products not only soothes various types of irritation, but also prevents and heals inflammation. This is very helpful, for example, in the case of vascular skin with "spider veins", prone to the development of rosacea. Preparations based on borage reduces redness, strengthens the capillaries and the barrierprotective skin.
Borage soothes female ailments
Fatty acids and magnesium are a duo contained in borage oil, thanks to which premenstrual complaints and accompanying menopause are much milder. It has been proven that a high level of these substances has a positive effect on the hormonal balance of the female body and, as a result, improves well-being, reduces irritability and mood swings, soothes menstrual cramps, reduces breast pain and hot flushes.
Borage has a strengthening effect
Gamma-linolenic acid and omega acids have a significant impact on the functioning of the immune system. Their high level provides good protection against diseases of the lungs, bronchi, throat, eyes, acquired allergies and asthma. In addition, borage oil, rich in these acids, also has a detoxifying effect - it removes toxins from the body and creates a specific protective mechanism that protects against harmful substances.
ImportantAromatic and tasty borage
Its aroma is deceptively reminiscent of the aroma of fresh cucumbers, and its delicate, slightly sour taste is refreshing. That is why borage leaves can be added to soups, sauces, omelettes, salads, and with edible flowers to decorate dishes. Young borage herb can also be prepared like spinach and served as a vegetable.
Borage smoothes and firms the skin
Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for the proper functioning of the skin. They play a very important role in the formation of ceramides - the main component of the so-called cement that binds the cells of the stratum corneum. Without ceramides, the skin would quickly lose moisture and be easily irritated. That is why borage oil can be found in many skin care cosmetics, especially those intended for mature, dry, flabby skin prone to irritation. It supports its renewal, restores elasticity and proper level of hydration, increases resistance to adverse external factors. The oil can also be successfully used in the care of acne, psoriasis, rough and itchy skin.
Borage helps heal periodontal diseases
Borage oil can be very helpful in the treatment of periodontal diseases, which lead, among others, to for loosening and loss of teeth. Research has shown that the simultaneous use of capsules with this oil and the use of toothpastes with its addition for three months significantly reduces gingivitis, swelling, bleeding and soreness, and additionally stabilizes the depth of the gingival pockets.
Borage cures hoarseness
Orally used in capsule form, borage oilhas a very positive effect on the condition of the oral mucosa, esophagus, stomach and intestines, but above all on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and protective properties, soothes coughs and hoarseness, and helps with all respiratory infections.
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