Some say circumcision is a cruel and nonsensical practice, others say it is necessary for hygiene. In the cultures of Judaism and Islam, it has a sacred character. Why is circumcision performed and does the lack of a foreskin affect sex?
Many peoples and tribes considercircumcisionto be one of the most important ceremonies.Removing the foreskinserves to define tribal affiliation, increase fertility, and make the boy a man - the rituals accompanying the procedure symbolize the transition from childhood to masculinity.
In Jews it is performed for boys on the eighth day after birth, in the Arabian Peninsula on the seventh, 14th or 21st day, and on the island of Flores at the age of 20-30. A cut foreskin can be a magical object. It can be burnt (Australia, El Salvador), buried in the ground (Kafra tribes, Kikuyu), placed in water (Kubu from Sumatra), given to a cow to eat (Hora from Madagascar) or dried, and then worn around the neck by a circumcised sister (Arunta ).
Circumcision - reasons for removing the foreskin
The oldest justification for the need to remove the foreskin isintimate hygiene . The he alth value of the treatment is confirmed by modern medical authorities. Dr. Bruce Patterson of Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago believes that circumcised men are less likely to develop syphilis and gonorrhea, and that their partners have occasional cervical cancer. This is because circumcision reduces the risk of infection. The keratin contained in the skin plays an important role in protecting against viruses. There is very little keratin in the foreskin, which is easily variously contaminated, and therefore cannot be an effective barrier against viruses. Therefore, according to Patterson, it should be removed. To confirm his theory, the scientist adds that HIV infection occurs twice as rarely among circumcised men.
ProblemIt is true that uncircumcised boys often have phimosis. The ailment is that the foreskin is too tight and does not slide off the glans. This leads to frequent infections and pain, and in extreme cases even to the development of cancer of the penis and its amputation. Increasingly, a laser surgical knife is used for healing circumcision.
Sex unchanged after circumcision
Proponents of the procedure also claim that it preventshe genital wart virus, urinary tract infections, fertility problems and sexual neurosis. It is said that the uncircumcised does not feel fully satisfied with their intercourse. But studies of circumcised men did not confirm any significant effect of this procedure on the quality of sexual life. They have refuted the popular belief that it prolongs intercourse and delays ejaculation.
Female circumcision
About 130 million girls in 28 countries in Africa and Asia undergo clitoral, and sometimes labia, excision and vaginal opening. It is carried out under primitive conditions, without anesthesia, with a knife, and the resulting hemorrhage is very difficult to stop. Rotting plants and even animal waste are placed on the wound. The most common complications include: neuroma in the area of the clitoris, causing severe pain, scarring that narrows the perineum and makes it difficult to give birth in the future. The basis of female circumcision is the belief that erotic pleasure is a manifestation of marital infidelity, although there is not a single word about it in the Bible or the Quran.
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