The pressure on the bladder (urge to urinate) has various causes. If the pressure on the bladder occurs during intercourse, gynecological causes may be suspected. The pressure on the bladder can also be a symptom of pregnancy or inflammation of the urinary system. Find out what else the constant pressure on the bladder means.
Bladder pressure( urine pressure,pollakisuria) is a sensation caused by the urine stretching the bladder walls strongly and is a signal to empty the bladder bladder. Continuous bladder dilatation has various causes. The pressure on the bladder may appear during intercourse or during pregnancy, and then gynecological causes may be suspected.
Pressure on the bladder (urge to urinate) - gynecological reasons
Bladder pressuremay occur during intercourse. During vaginal penetration, the penis also pressures indirectly other internal organs - incl. bladder. So it may be natural to feel like you need to urinate. The pressure on the bladder may also have other gynecological reasons, such as:
- pregnancy - the urge to bladder may be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. The expanding uterus presses against the bladder and significantly limits its capacity. During pregnancy, the kidneys work harder. Future mothers also have higher levels of progesterone, which stimulates the bladder's muscle fibers to work more intensively
- uterine prolapse - a lowered uterus sometimes puts pressure on the bladder, which causes a feeling of pressure on the bladder and residual urine in the bladder
- sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, chlamydia infections. Gonococcal urethritis may be manifested by urethral discharge, increased urge to urinate, inflammation of the external urethral orifice, pain and burning sensation in the urethra. Chlamydia trachomatis can cause urethritis with symptoms of dysuria, pollakiuria, and bacterial pyuria. Untreated chlamydial urethritis can lead to cystitis
Pressure on the bladder (urine pressure) - prostate problems
The pressure on the bladder in men most often indicates problems with the prostate:
- urolithiasis of the prostate gland - may be manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, pain in the lower abdomen, groin,perineum (similar to prostatitis). In addition, there may be pain during urination and involuntary erection of the penis
- benign prostatic hyperplasia - the symptoms are more frequent use of the toilet, also at night (even 3-4 times), a feeling of constant pressure on the bladder, longer time needed to start emptying the bladder, low force with which the urine stream flows, the necessity to strain to completely empty the bladder, the appearance of even trace amounts of blood in the urine, complete retention of urine
- prostatitis - acute inflammation of the prostate gland is manifested by fever and chills, pain in the perineum and lower abdomen, groin, penis, anus, sacral spine, sexual dysfunction are also present. The patient feels increased pressure, burning and pain while urinating, the stream of urine is interrupted. Sometimes there is also nausea, vomiting, pain in muscles and joints as well as pus and blood in the urine - chronic prostatitis - the symptoms are milder than in acute inflammation and occur periodically. It is manifested by pains in the lower back, in the lower abdomen, around the perineum and scrotum, accompanied by erectile dysfunction and sexual drive disorders, pain during ejaculation, difficult or painful urination, frequent urge to urinate
Pressure on the bladder (urinary pressure) - diseases of the urinary system
- nephrolithiasis-nephrolithiasis may be manifested by renal colic, hematuria, urge to bladder or be without symptoms. Urinary stones can be formed in every section of the urinary tract, so urge to urinate may also be a symptom of ureterolithiasis, bladder, renal urethra or prostate
- bladder tumors (neoplasms) - the most common symptom is bleeding in the urine, i.e. hematuria. There are also frequent urination, burning, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, pain in the lower abdomen, difficulties in urinating, pain in the lumbar region as a consequence of impaired urine outflow, anuria
- overactivity of the bladder - repeated (more than 8 times a day) urination of small amounts of urine, caused by a painful feeling of urge, as a result of pathological bladder contractions, urgency, urge incontinence - involuntary, unstoppable leakage of urine , caused by urgent pressures
- inflammation of the bladder (and other parts of the urinary system, e.g. the urethra) - abdominal pain in the suprapubic area, especially when urinating, feeling of frequent urge to urinate, burning when urinating, temperature approx. 38 ° C , urinary incontinence(rarely)
Pressure on the bladder (urge to urinate) - causes. Reactive arthritis
Reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome) is a disease in which the joints, conjunctiva and urethra become inflamed (then one of the symptoms may be pain and burning when urinating or urge to urinate). There are also frequent changes in the skin and genitals.
Pressure on the bladder (urge to urinate) - causes. Nervous system diseases
- brain or spinal cord injuries
- tumors (neoplasms) of the brain or spinal cord
- ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke
- multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases
- Parkinson's disease
- spina bifida with concomitant spinal cord injury
Pressure on the bladder (urge to urinate) - causes. Drugs and supplements
The pressure on the bladder can be caused by taking medications or dietary supplements. The need for frequent urination may occur, among others, when using preparations with cranberries or drinking a lot of coffee or green tea.
According to an expertLidia Skobejko-Włodarska, MD, PhD, urologistUrinary pressure and constipation
For several months I have felt a pressure on my bladder, I often urinate even after drinking small amounts of fluids. In the first few months of my symptoms, I felt a greater pressure than now (even without drinking fluids for several hours). I have had chronic constipation for 6 years, I pass feces sometimes once a week. I received a referral from a general practitioner to a gastroenterologist who ordered a number of tests - the results were correct. I was given medication and diet, but the problem remained. Another doctor stated that it was caused only by my psyche - nervousness or that it simulated. This is a sad situation for me, especially since I urinate during exercise.
Lidia Skobejko-Włodarska, MD, PhD, urologist: The large intestine (rectum) is located together with the bladder in the small pelvis. If most of the space is filled with the distended intestine with residual fecal masses, the bladder has relatively less space, it is compressed by the intestine with fecal masses. What's going on? - the volume of the bladder decreases, it contains little urine and there is pressure. First of all, you should visit a gastroenterologist, regulate bowel movements, or perform enemas every two days. After removing the stools, the bladder will have more space to fill with age-appropriate urine, i.e. 400 ml.