How do you menstruate? Any doctor can ask you about the regularity and length of the cycle or the abundance of menstruation. On this basis, many ailments and serious diseases are diagnosed. If your menstruation is constantly accompanied by severe pains, be sure to go for a checkup.

The first periodis an extraordinary event for a girl. In the beginning, for two or three years, it appears irregularly. The cycles are usually anovulatory, i.e. there is no ovulation. Girls are therefore considered to be in the infertility phase of adolescence. But it happens that ovulation occurs in the very first cycle and the teenager may become pregnant. And although 97 percent. of girls is infertile for several years from the first menstruation, which is 3 percent. there is a possibility of fertilization.

First menstruation: unpleasant symptoms

The first periods are quite often accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Girls get tired easily and may have learning difficulties. This is because there are times when fluid is retained in the body, which can even lead to subsoil states of the brain tissue. A s alt-free diet helps then. It would be good if the already menstruating girl was examined by a gynecologist. This is not only an opportunity to check the correctness of its development, but also to initiate the habit of using the advice of this doctor. Only he, during the examination, can determine whether the reproductive organs: the vagina, uterus and ovaries are properly developed. Girls are often afraid or ashamed of such a visit. It would be best if they could go with their mother. Consultation is necessary if the menstruation is accompanied by pain, nausea, breast swelling, or mood changes. You should also consult your doctor if your bleeding is disturbed after regularization. Long breaks, heavy or scanty, painful periods may be a signal of hormonal disorders, sometimes requiring the advice of an endocrinologist. Abnormalities detected early can be cured, while ignoring the symptoms may even result in infertility.

Menstruation - entries in the calendar

  • date of the first period
  • how many days is bleeding, every how many days is the period (from the first day of bleeding)
  • date of the last menstrual period, i.e. menopause

Remember! The first day of the cycle is the first day of bleeding!

Diet 7 days before menstruation

Eat foods rich in:

  • essential fatty acids - pearl barley, oil, nuts
  • calcium - milk, cheese, fish
  • magnesium - buckwheat, meat, chocolate, cocoa
  • zinc - peas, beans
  • vitamins B, C and E - green leafy vegetables, eggs

Also drink plenty of fluids, and eat vegetables, fruit and grains to prevent constipation. Limit the amount of s alt. In heavy bleeding, eat foods rich in iron (meat, eggs), vitamin C (citrus fruits, vegetables), flavonoids (beets, cherries) and protein (meat, dairy).

The most common menstrual disorders

  • Pain. He teases teenagers and young women. Usually, the symptoms end around the age of 25 or after the baby is born. The pains in the lower abdomen often come in waves. Sometimes they are accompanied by back pain and nausea.
  • Heavy bleeding. They usually happen to teenagers, as well as women in their forties and fifties.
  • Irregular and bleeding too infrequently or too often. It is a disease of the first years of menstruation. Also the few years leading up to menopause.

In the ovaries of every woman from birth, there are approx. 400 thousand eggs. In the middle of the cycle, one of them matures (known asovulation ) and begins its journey down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If the egg meets the sperm, it can fertilize. It then embeds itself in the uterine mucosa that has already been prepared for its reception. If fertilization does not take place, the egg dies and is excreted from the body along with the unnecessary lining. This ismenstruation .
