Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the result of aging and hormonal changes in the male body. His treatment is necessary because the consequences can be very dangerous. What are the treatment options for prostate enlargement in medicine today?

Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasiatoday is light, easy and fun. At least when we start eating after the first symptoms. It is therefore worth not delaying the visit to the urologist.Treatment of the prostatein this stage consists in taking tablets appropriately selected by the doctor. When going to the urologist, you need to prepare for a rectal examination of the prostate (rectal examination). The doctor will also recommend an ultrasound of the prostate and a PSA test, i.e. the determination of tumor markers.
Prostate - treatment. Herbal treatment
Dietary supplements support the functioning of the prostate gland and inhibit the development of BPH. They are plant preparations with a composition of saw palmetto extracts, nettle and small flowered willowherb extracts. Saw palmetto inhibits prostate growth and improves urine flow, nettle has a diuretic effect, and small flowered willowheria, used in the herbal medicine of Bonifratri, is helpful in urethritis and recurrent cystitis, which are a common complication of BPH. These types of drugs may postpone the use of synthetic drugs, do not cause side effects and do not weaken the libido.
Treatment of the prostate by relaxing the muscles
Pain when urinating is related to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the lower urinary tract. These muscles contain receptors for nerve endings. A group of drugs called alpha blockers block these receptors. As a result, smooth muscles relax and urinating becomes easier and less painful. Alphablockers do not reduce libido and do not interfere with sexual function. However, they can cause sudden pressure drops as well as headaches and dizziness.
Hormonal drugs in the treatment of prostate
Hormonal drugs weaken the effect of androgens on prostate hyperplasia, but apart from one, they are used rarely. The one that doctors prescribe more often is an agent that until recently was used only in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. The preparation counteracts the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.The enzyme converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, a substance that promotes prostate growth. By taking this drug, you can not only stop the enlargement of the prostate gland, but even reduce it to 20%. Unfortunately, the drug has side effects: it can cause erectile dysfunction and decreased libido.
ImportantThe most beneficial effect is the simultaneous use of alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. They should be taken for the rest of your life. If they are properly taken, your BPH symptoms will not disappear overnight. Just as they gradually increased, so will they gradually fade away.
Surgical treatment of prostate enlargement
If drugs do not bring the expected results, treatment methods are used. The gold standard in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia is transurethral electrical resection, or TURP for short. It consists in the introduction of an electrical loop through the coil and excision of the excess prostate gland. The downside of this treatment is the risk of the so-called retrograde ejaculation, which is the entry of semen into the bladder. For many men this is an unacceptable phenomenon and therefore they choose alternative methods. One of them is transurethral microwave thermotherapy of the prostate, i.e. heating this gland with a probe. High temperature inhibits the growth of the stroma and its fibrosis, which leads to a reduction in the volume of the prostate gland. Similar effects are achieved by alcoholization, i.e. the administration of alcohol directly to the prostate. In the treatment of BPH, various laser techniques and ultrasounds are also used, which break down the prostate tissue, turning it into a homogeneous mass that can be sucked out. Adenomectomy, i.e. an open operation (cutting the abdominal wall) is performed only in special cases (e.g. very large prostate hyperplasia). The less invasive endoscopic methods mentioned above are in the lead.
Male killer? Prostate
Source: Simply Saying
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