Dysuria is the most common pain and burning sensation when urinating. They are the so-called dysuria symptoms, i.e. all ailments, problems with urination. Among them - apart from painful urination - there are also, among others, itching, stinging or stinging. Check what are the causes of dysuria and what is its treatment.
Dysuriamost often - but not always - meanspain while urinating , usually accompanied byburning in the urethra(stranguria). Dysuria is the definition of any difficulties or discomfort when urinating. It does not always have to bepainful urination , although this is the most common occurrence. This may include urge to urinate, pollakiuria, stinging, itching or stinging when urinating. These are symptoms of dysfunction.
Dysuria can have various causes. Usually it is an irritation of the bladder or urethra caused by an infection or other disease.
Dysuria (pain and burning when urinating) - causes. Urethral diseases
- urethritis - most often caused by germs that cause venereal diseases: gonococcal urethritis and non-gonococcal urethritis (caused e.g. by Chlamydia, Mycoplasm, vaginal trichomoniasis or candida fungi)
- congenital defects of the urethra, e.g. posterior urethral valve - excessive growth of the folds of the urethral mucosa in boys
- urethral injuries, e.g. during childbirth
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Strong pain when urinating
I have a problem with urinating. 10 years ago I had an E.coli infection, then from time to time I had a problem with urination, pain burning. Currently (I am 22), after treatment, the symptoms disappear, but after about 2 weeks they return. I do not have bacteria or fungi, but the problem returns, I have pain when urinating EVERY DAY. The ailments worsen when I am under stress. My urologist said the problems came from intercourse, but I even have problemsif we don't have sex. The fact is that they get worse after intercourse. I had a vaginal swab done, it showed nothing, oroflowmetry - normal and ultrasound also okay. All the tests are good, there is no blood in my urine and I feel terrible pain.
Pain while urinating, burning may be related to incorrect habits - incorrect fluid intake and quality of fluid intake. The disorder is also influenced by an incorrect posture when urinating. These are the main causes of ailments. Urodynamic examination may also explain some symptoms, but it must be combined with filling in a questionnaire of the so-called voiding diary, i.e. urination.
Dysuria (pain and burning when urinating) - causes. Bladder diseases
- cystitis - this is a typically female disease and quite common. The first symptoms of cystitis are a slight burning sensation when urinating. After that, you run to the toilet more and more (even if you don't drink much), but you hardly squeeze a few drops. It is accompanied by severe burning and pain in the area of the urethra. coli (Escherichia coli) is responsible for the majority of urinary tract infections
- stones in the bladder - when a kidney stone begins to move from the kidney to the ureter, the pain is excruciating, it radiates down the abdomen and perineum. It's an attack of renal colic. If a stone gets stuck in the ureter and blocks it, the kidney becomes stagnant in urine - an infection and high fever develop. In such a situation, quick medical intervention is needed
- bladder diverticula - is caused by a local weakening of the muscle layer and a bulging of the mucosa in this place. Bladder diverticula are often asymptomatic, but they can cause urinary tract infections, urination disorders, urolithiasis, vesicoureteral backflow, or (in the case of very large diverticula) may put pressure on other abdominal organs
- bladder cancer - the most common symptom of bladder cancer is bleeding in the urine, or hematuria. Concomitant symptoms are frequent urination, burning sensation, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
- foreign body in the bladder
- bladder injury
Occasionally, inflammation around the bladder (appendicitis, diverticulitis or pelvic inflammation) may also have similar symptoms.
Dysuria (pain and burning when urinating) - causes. Gynecological diseases
- vulvitis - symptoms such asburning, itching, pain, reddening of the skin with whitish patches, swelling, increased temperature in the inflamed area
- vaginitis - itching and burning of the vagina and vulva, redness of the vagina and vulva, soreness and burning sensation of the vulva, painful urination, pain during intercourse, vaginal discharge - vaginal discharge with a changed, unpleasant smell, the appearance and consistency of which depends from which pathogen caused the infection
- cervicitis - there are purulent or mucopurulent vaginal discharge, spotting or bleeding from the vagina after intercourse or between menstruation, painful intercourse, frequent urination or burning and pain when urinating, vaginal and vulva itching, abdominal pain and fever (in rare cases)
- genital depression - women with pelvic lowering usually complain of a feeling of pressure or pain in the vagina, difficulty passing urine or stool, and significant discomfort during intercourse. Constipation, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence (in 20% of women) and recurrent urinary tract infections develop over time
- cancer of female organs, vaginal cancer
Dysuria (pain and burning when urinating) in men
In men, diseases of the prostate gland are very often responsible for painful urination - benign prostatic hyperplasia, inflammation and cancer. Pain during urination may also appear in the course of testicular and epididymitis.
Dysuria (pain and burning when urinating) - treatment
Treatment of dysuria depends on its cause. For example, in the case of cystitis, drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect are usually administered, but sometimes an antibiotic is needed. It is also important to drink about 2 liters of fluid a day - this makes it easier to rinse the bladder and urethra, reducing the risk of bacteria settling. It is also important to wash yourself twice a day under running water, from the front to the back, so as not to transfer bacteria from the anus to the urethra and reproductive organs.
Pain and burning sensation during urination may appear psychologically.