Is red meat he althy or harmful? There are many theories about red meat. According to one of them, red meat should be limited or completely excluded from the diet. Others argue that it is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. What is it really like? This question was answered by specialists during the conference "Preventive Cardiology 2016".

Is red meat he althy , orharm ? This is an extremely controversial issue. Proponents of red meat say it is essential for the body to function properly. In turn, opponents cite scientific research which shows that red meat can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases. There is a reason why the he althiest diet is considered to be a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish and he althy fats such as olive oil. There is practically no meat in it, although the Cretan diet allows for its consumption once a month. How does this relate to cardiovascular disease?

Is red meat he althy?

- There is no controversy about the negative effects of meat on the cardiovascular system. It is a product that we should eat rarely, as evidenced by the latest he althy eating pyramid. Meat is a product rich mainly in complementary protein, containing a complete set of amino acids, which, however, can be obtained from plants. It is worth mentioning that it is difficult to obtain them from only one plant and you need to compose the diet in such a way as to supplement all the necessary nutrients. It is also worth remembering that meat is rich insaturated fats , consumption of which, according to the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, should be limited, and ruminant meat is also rich in particularly unfavorable trans fats. Meat consumption should be minimized or even completely eliminated - says Assoc. n. med. Daniel Śliż from the 3rd Department of Internal Diseases and Cardiology of the Medical University of Warsaw.

We should eat red meat rarely - says Dr. Daniel Śliż.

- Products containing saturated fats disturb the lipid metabolism and, as a result, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and shortening of life. Meat is not the basis of the food pyramid, at the base of which are primarily vegetables,certain fats. It is necessary to replace animal products with plant ones in the diet - adds prof. Artur Mamcarz, Head of the 3rd Department of Internal Diseases and Cardiology of the Medical University of Warsaw at the SOLEC Hospital in Warsaw.

SEE ALSO>>How to bake meat to make it soft and juicy?

Does red meat really hurt?

Prof. Andrzej Pająk - head of the Department of Epidemiology and Population Research, Institute of Public He alth, Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In his opinion, the point of contention does not concern the question of whether a vegetarian diet is better than an average diet, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. As the expert argues, the problem is to answer the question whether there is sufficient evidence that a vegetarian diet is better than a diet that recommends limiting meat consumption.

There are no clinical studies on the miraculous properties of a vegetarian diet, but as experts point out, a reasonably balanced vegetarian diet can ensure adequate protein levels in the body.

- It is impossible not to recognize that various forms of vegetarian lifestyle have accompanied mankind for centuries, and it is a strong argument to refrain from explicitly criticizing them. However, in the absence of evidence that a vegetarian diet has a stronger pro-he alth effect than a diet with a small amount of meat, which is recommended by scientific societies, in the Polish cultural circle, it is rather important to popularize the procedure according to these recommendations. Therefore, a compromise is to abandon the fairly widespread atherogenic diet (predisposing to the development of atherosclerosis) and limit meat consumption - recommends prof. Spider.

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Meat - better not fried and grilled

All three doctors agree that the problem of eating meat does not end with the choice of meat, but also with the method of preparation. Experts advise against frying and grilling, which have a negative effect on our cholesterol levels and also cause cancer. The best option is steamed or roasted meat.

- If someone likes meat and is unable to eliminate it from the diet, remember to make it as least processed as possible. Avoid frying,long grilling and it is worth replacing them with sea fish, which are an excellent source of protein and he althy fats. We often hear opinions that fish are cooked incorrectly, but let's not discourage people from eating it. It is more beneficial to eat fatty fish than red meat from land animals, and if you do choose one, try to eat only lean meat that contains less fat. Unfortunately, regardless of the type of meat, each of them contains too much cholesterol - argues prof. Mamcarz.

Dietitian on meat carcinogenicity

