Nettle is not only a weed. In the countryside, it has been treated with respect for centuries due to its healing properties and nutritional value. Nettle contains many valuable vitamins, microelements and mineral s alts that are helpful, among others in the treatment of kidney stones and arthritis.
Stinging nettle( Urtica dioicaL.) due to itspropertiesfor a long time findsapplicationin natural medicine. In the past, nettle was used to cook soup. Today, housewives add finely chopped leaves to pet food.
For medicinal purposes,leaves , collected before flowering ( Urticae folium ) androots are used- dug up in the fall or early spring ( Urticae radix ), as well as the whole herb ( Urticae herba ). A raw material, also often used, isjuiceobtained from fresh shootsnettle¹. Folk medicine recommends thatdrink it every day in spring fatigueto strengthen.
This treatment is also worth using in summer, and in winter,nettle teaprepared for drinking from dried nettle is a good solution. Such an infusion - herb flooded with boiling water and left covered for a quarter of an hour - helps to fight stress. In combination with other herbs, it works even when we have … hives (allergic symptoms).
Nettle is a real treasury of active compounds necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Herbalists consider it anatural antibiotic .
Nettle - healing properties and application
Stinging nettleis used for:
- to reduce allergies
- lower cholesterol
- urea level reduction
- sodium chloride reduction
- inflammation reduction
- pain relief
- hair loss inhibition
- vasodilation
- lower blood pressure
In addition, it has a positive effect on the wound healing process.
This inconspicuous plant has diuretic properties, irreplaceable in the treatment of kidney stones and other urinary tract diseases. It supports the excretion of harmful substances from the bodysubstances such as uric acid deposits. At the same time, it prevents fluid retention in the body.
In natural medicine, nettle leaf extract is used in mild inflammation of the urinary tract, too little urine excretion (oliguria), and in the treatment of:
- urolithiasis
- gout (arthritis)
- rheumatic diseases
- certain skin conditions, especially adolescence
Nettle for enlarged prostate
It is worth knowing that the European Commission recommends the use ofUrticae radixin the treatment of the first and second stages of prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Similarly, ESCOP recommends the use of nettle in the treatment of urination disorders associated with BPH¹.
The hydrophilic parts of the nettle root, namely lectins and polysaccharides responsible for inhibiting aromatase activity, are probably responsible for the alleviation of BPH symptoms.
Nettle for digestive problems
Drinking infusionsor adding fresh nettle leaves to saladsfacilitates metabolismand increases appetite. The compounds contained in it cleanse the digestive system, drain bile deposits, and also have a positive effect on the work of the pancreas, liver and stomach.
Nettle is used in diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, gastroenteritis, as well as in diarrhea. Frequent drinking of nettle tea is said to be able to stop the growth of cancer cells (but that's a theory for now).
Nettle - what vitamins does it contain?
- macro- and micronutrients :
- magnesium
- phosphor
- calcium
- sulfur
- iron
- potassium
- jod
- silicon
- sodium
- vitamin A
- vitamin K
- vitamin B2
- vitamin C
- amine and tannic compounds
- pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
- organic acids (e.g. formic, glycolic, glycerol)
- essential oils
- mineral s alts
- chlorophyll
- serotonin
- histamine
- acetylcholine
- carotenoids
- phytosterols
- flavonoids
Nettle for back pain and more
If you suffer from gout or other diseases of the joints or the spine, you probably have a problem with the accumulation of uric deposits in the periarticular tissues. Nettle, thanks to the compounds it contains, accelerates the excretion of excess uric acid¹.
Nettle leaves have long been known and used in folk medicine to relieve pain. The analgesic properties of the nettle remainedscientifically proven. British scientists from the University of Plymouth examined a group of 18 people diagnosed with inflammation of joints and bones, as well as disc pain and pain caused by mechanical injuries, such as straining and inflammation of the tendons, "tennis elbow".
The results of these studies were satisfactory and showed the analgesic effect of nettle. No major adverse event was noted during the course of the study, with the exception of a transient rash¹.
Nettle in anemia
Nettle tries to match iron preparations in its hematopoietic activity. It has a positive effect on the production of red blood cells, which is useful in the treatment of anemia and weakness. As one of the few herbal raw materials, nettle lowers blood sugar and, to a small extent, also blood pressure.
Nettle and allergy
Nettle is used in allergic diseases due to the content of active compounds, incl. tyrosine derivatives with an antihistamine effect².
In a few cases, however, it has been reported that nettle extract consumed in increased dosesmay cause allergic reactions . An allergic reaction can also occur with topical application, but this is very rare.
Nettle and pregnancy
Pregnant womencan drink nettle because it is high in minerals and vitamins. Nettle tea drunk after having a baby enhances breastfeeding and helps remove excess water from the body.
Nettle for skin diseases
Due to its bactericidal properties, washing and compresses of nettle leaves are used in the treatment of skin diseases, abscesses, boils, acne, nodules, vaginitis and muscle inflammation.
Nettle extract is also an excellent,sanitizingmouth rinse. You can also massage the scalp with nettle infusion. It not only reduces muscle tension and improves blood circulation, but also heals scalp diseases, dandruff and seborrhea, and hair loss.
Nettle - contraindications
Nettle juice should be given up by women who are struggling with diseases of the reproductive organs, e.g. cancer, fibroids, bleeding. Other contraindications include chronic kidney disease, surgery, and diabetes.
Nettle juice should not be consumed when there is excess iron in the body.
- Cistus (herb) - healing properties and application
- Medicinal sage: application, action and properties
- Dandelion - the use of dandelionmedical examination

Author: Time S.A
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