Just like ladies regularly examine their breasts, men should have their testicles checked. Gentlemen of all ages. And there is nothing to be ashamed of - thanks to this, you can detect any changes earlier and take effective treatment. Find out how to properly perform a testicle self-examination and why it is so important.
AtJader self-examinationit is enough to spend about 3 minutes once a month. The test itself is best done in a shower or a warm bath. The skin of the scrotum is then soft and relaxed, so it is easier to feel any abnormalities. Examine each kernel separately.
How to properly perform a testicular self-examination?
- First, roll the testicle gently between your thumb and forefinger, checking if you can feel any lumps or lumps under the skin. Pay attention to whether the testicles have changed their appearance since the previous examination, e.g. whether any of them have increased, whether the skin is tense or its surface is rough.
- Press gently with your fingers, the testicle is soft and smooth. Hard and rough requires a doctor's consultation.
- Don't panic if you feel a small, hard lump on the back wall connected to the testicle called the epididymis and the vas deferens. That's just how you are built.
About 700 cases of testicular cancer are diagnosed in Poland every year. This disease mainly affects men up to 40 years of age. But testicular cancer diagnosed early is almost 100% curable and therefore should not be delayed. The only effective treatment is to remove the testicle and, if necessary, the surrounding lymph nodes. If necessary, treatment is supplemented with chemotherapy or (less frequently) radiotherapy. Removing one testicle does not affect a man's sexual life or even fertility. The second testicle can produce enough sperm for fertilization. After surgery, a man may also lead a normal sex life. The only effect of the procedure is the apparent lack of a testicle, but it can be replaced with a prosthesis.