Itchy eyes is a condition that - depending on its causes - can affect different parts of the eye, including the eyelids and the skin around the eyes. Itching can also appear in the corners of the eyes. Itchy eyes should be treated by an ophthalmologist - home remedies are not recommended. Eye itching, especially if it persists for a long time, could be a serious medical condition that could even result in loss of vision.

Itchy eyes( itchy eyes ) is a feeling of unpleasant irritation in the eyes that makes you want to scratch. Regardless of thecauses of itchy eyes, it can affect all parts of the eye, includingeyelidsand the skin around the eyes. Itchy eyes can also appearin the corners of the eyes.

Itchy (itchy) eyes - causes. Allergy

Itchy eyes are most often a sign of allergies. Then the accompanying symptoms are runny nose, watery eyes, cough. Skin changes (e.g. hives) are also possible.

If the itchy eyes and other allergic symptoms only last a certain period, it is most likely an allergy to pollen. The paroxysmal nature of the symptoms suggests an allergy to animal hair or chemicals. If symptoms persist throughout the year, you may suspect you are allergic to house dust and its components (mites, molds and animal hair), used cosmetics, or eye and / or face medications.

Eye pruritus can also be a symptom of a severe allergic eye disease such as atopic or vernal conjunctivitis and keratitis. Atopic conjunctivitis and keratitis is a serious allergic disease of the eye, mainly in people who have had or have had atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by severe itching of both the eyelids and conjunctiva, and the dry eye syndrome. Conjunctival hyperaemia, a dense discharge that connects the eyelids and thinning of the eyelashes and temporal browbones are common.

On the other hand, vernal keratoconjunctivitis is a serious allergic disease of the eye, which mainly affects boys before puberty. It is caused by complex mechanisms of allergies and hormonal disorders in the organ of vision. In the spring or summer season, there is a strong photophobia and itching of the eyes, and in the morning the conjunctiva is stuck together with a thick discharge that is difficult to remove and stretches like a string. Symptoms ease inin winter and autumn, they often disappear completely during puberty. If left untreated, vernal keratoconjunctivitis can severely impair eyesight and even lead to blindness, the ophthalmologists warn.

Eyelid skin irritation

Dryness, swelling and redness are the most common symptoms of irritation and eczema on the eyelids. It can be caused by, among others Atopic dermatitis, irritation contact dermatitis, or contact dermatitis. With such symptoms, the number of cosmetics that come into contact with sensitive skin should be minimized. Avoid makeup and use gentle cleansing and skin care products around the eyes. It is important to rebuild the skin's protective barrier, restore comfort to irritated skin, moisturize it intensively and act on the causes of symptoms as soon as possible.

Itchy (itchy) eyes - causes. Infections

Itchy eyes can also be one of the symptoms of an eye infection. For example, it could be conjunctivitis. Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis are conjunctival swelling, itching and foreign body sensation in the eye, the appearance of serous discharge. There are clusters of swollen blood vessels on the conjunctiva (diffuse redness). When the inflammation spreads over the cornea, small opacities appear. It is accompanied by severe pain, lacrimation, and photophobia. Sometimes the lymph nodes in the mandible area get enlarged.

If itching persists for a long time, see your doctor to determine how serious the infection is.

Another eye disease that causes itching is bacterial eyelid inflammation. Characteristic set of symptoms accompanying the inflammation of the eyelid margin on a bacterial background:

  • redness and swelling at the edges of the eyelids
  • hard, dry scales at the base of the eyelashes of the upper and lower eyelids, which, when removed, leave bleeding ulcers
  • itching and burning sensation
  • lash loss

Itchy (itchy) eyes - causes. Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a condition involving insufficient production of tears or disturbances in the composition of individual layers of the tear film. Typical symptoms of this ailment are eye irritation, the feeling of "sand under the eyelids". Sometimes we see it temporarily as if through a fog. Photophobia, itching is less common, and more often - the feeling of tiredness and heaviness of the eyelids. The ailments worsen overnight as we naturally secrete less tears. Lids are hard to open in the morning.

Itchy (itchy) eyes - causes. Foreign body in the eye

A foreign body may also cause itchy eyes. It could beduckweed that just fell into the eye, as well as flecks of dust or dust from the air. Foreign bodies get itchy after getting into the eye. The eyes can react to this type of irritation with both excessive drying and increased production of tears in order to get rid of the undesirable substance as soon as possible.

Itchy (itchy) eyes - causes. Contact lenses

Contact lenses - if used improperly - can cause irritation and itching of the eyes. Contact lenses can irritate or damage the lipid layer on the surface of the eye. The lenses also prevent tears from spreading over the surface of the eye properly. In such a situation, the so-called artificial tears.

Also, their improper storage may lead to the multiplication of bacteria, and further to the development of infection manifested, among others, by itchy eyes. Regular replacement of the fluid in which the lenses are stored is very important, as it allows them to be properly disinfected before the next use.

Itchy (itchy) eyes - causes. Computer vision syndrome

Computer knowledge syndrome is a complex set of eye and vision problems associated with near work that you feel while using the computer or carrying out related activities. Eye fatigue, blurred vision, hypersensitivity to harsh light and sensation, itching and burning (sand) under the eyelids are common complaints of people who stare at a computer screen for many hours.

Itchy eyes may be caused by working in front of the computer

