This traditional Japanese dish has as many supporters as opponents in our country. The former point out that it is not only tasty, but also he althy. Others question both of these arguments. Who's right? And is it worth eating sushi?

Sushi has been known in Asia for centuries, but in its present form - small rings or squares of boiled rice seasoned with rice vinegar, filled with algae, raw or cooked fish or seafood, sometimes with vegetables or fruit, served with a sauce Soybean, pickled ginger or spicy wasabi horseradish has been known "only" for about two hundred years.

Extremely popular all over the world, including Poland, sushi is considered to be very exquisite, tasty, easy to digest and he althy at the same time.But is sushi he althy?Its nutritional value - and therefore the benefits we get from eating sushi - depend on the quality of the ingredients used to make it.

The basis of sushi is seafood and fish. Their nutritional value is well known: they are an excellent source of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, selenium, vitamin D and B vitamins, as well as phosphorus.

Another ingredient of sushi is rice - a valuable source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins (C, B, E) and proteins. The vegetables contained in this dish provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. Nori seaweed, used to wrap the stuffing, is also very he althy: it is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and iodine, necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Sushi is theoretically very he althy: as various studies have shown, it is one of the dietary components that the Japanese owe their longevity to. Regular consumption of this dish has a positive effect on immunity, cardiovascular and nervous systems, it also works well for eyesight, thyroid gland, bones and skin. Sushi is low in calories, so it helps to keep a slim figure.

But only if it is prepared in a traditional way and using good quality ingredients. Fish and seafood are especially important and must come from clean and safe fisheries.The meat of farmed or caught fish in polluted waters can contain toxins and harmful mercury.

When buying sushi at a supermarket (from the so-called sushi boxes), we are not sure about the quality of the ingredients,By eating it, we can also harm ourselves if it was stored improperly, which affected the quality of the raw fish in it. Sushi, which includes smoked fish or crab sticks or the addition of mayonnaise, also has little to do with the original dish.

When ordering sushi, it is worth making sure not only what exactly is in its composition, but also where the fish come from -the he althiest ones are those with the MSC certificate on the packaging , because they were fished sustainably and in safe, pollution-free fishing grounds.
