Deworming children and adults is fashionable in Poland. There is repeated information on internet forums that each of us has parasites and we need to deworm ourselves regularly. At the same time, preparations are advertised to facilitate this. Meanwhile, it's another marketing gimmick. The truth is that not all of us have parasites, and preventive deworming can do more harm than good.
Deworming is a very popular topic. Apparently, each of us has parasites. It's not true. Pathogenic parasites are so rare in Poland that dozens of cases of parasitic intestinal infections (e.g. caused by tapeworms or human roundworms) have not been monitored for over 10 years.
- The epidemiological supervision covers parasitic diseases that pose a threat to public he alth. They are listed in the list attached to the "Act of December 5, 2008 on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans" - says prof. Elżbieta Gołąb from the Department of Parasitology and Vector-Borne Diseases, National Institute of Public He alth - National Institute of Hygiene.
According to the list, it is obligatory to report 7 parasitic diseases. These are giardiasis (giardiasis), cryptosporidiosis, congenital toxoplasmosis, malaria, trichinosis, and echinococcosis and cysticercosis .¹
- In the event of the risk of spreading a parasitic disease other than those mentioned in this list, the Minister of He alth may issue separate legal regulations - adds prof. Elżbieta Gołąb.
How many Poles can have parasites?
NIPH-PZH publishes a report on the incidence of selected infectious diseases in Poland every year. In 2022, 924 cases of giardiasis, 52 cases of echinococcosis, 30 malaria and 28 toxoplasmosis were registered in our country. There were also isolated cases of cryptosporidiosis - 3, cysticercosis - 3 and trichinosis - 2.²
- Additionally, in order to assess the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in our country and to raise the level of knowledge about parasitic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the National Institute of Public He alth - National Institute of Hygiene is implementing a project financed by the National He alth Program 2016-2020. "Review studies of the prevalence of intestinal parasites in a group of children agedpre-school in Poland "- says prof. Elżbieta Gołąb.
During the project, 6,000 five- and six-year-olds will be tested free of charge in the following voivodeships: Lubelskie, Mazowieckie and Podkarpackie. The research results are to be published in 2022.
Deworming has become a fad
Deworming has become a kind of fashion, especially among parents. There is a lot of advice on parasite diagnostics and deworming methods on internet forums.
The methods of alternative diagnostics of intestinal parasites include, for example, electroacupuncture using the Voll method, bioresonance testing or testing of a live blood drop. The price of each of these tests is about PLN 200. There are also research packages available on the market. The price of the most expensive one is PLN 740.
Of course, these tests have nothing to do with real parasitological diagnostics, which include stool tests for parasites and molecular biology methods. It's just preying on human naivety.
The need for deworming is largely promoted by companies that carry out "research" for parasites that have no diagnostic value, as well as those that sell "miracle drugs" supposedly to help get rid of worms.
The same is the case with preparations aimed at de-worming the body. The most popular of them are herbs. Other natural methods for deworming are Capuchin balm, black walnut extract, pumpkin seeds and cognac treatment (cognac is mixed in the right proportions with castor oil). There is no research that proves that such methods are effective and can cost a lot, especially in " alternative medicine" offices.
Do not worm yourself prophylactically!
The decision about deworming should be made after consulting a doctor on the basis of symptoms and test results. Medicines against parasites (including herbal preparations) should not be taken prophylactically, without infection confirmed by tests.
- Antiparasitic drugs should not be used without doctor's recommendations, as they are not indifferent to your he alth. The doctor recommends appropriate medications based on the results of the fecal laboratory tests - says prof. Elżbieta Gołąb.
- Without a referral, tests for intestinal worms can be performed in most medical laboratories. Infection can be ruled out by testing negative with triple stool testing. In the case of suspicion of pinworms, a smear or imprint from the area of the anus is also examined - adds the expert.
It is worth knowing that the presence of a parasite in the body does not always require treatment. They need to be implemented only when the parasites cause disease symptoms.
What symptoms do digestive system parasites cause?
What can you get infected from a dog?
Pumpkin seeds for worms: a home remedy for worming