The human whipworm is a common parasite. Some people do not develop symptoms despite being infected. The rest suffer from digestive and nervous system ailments. Children may even experience stunted growth and developmental delay. What is the treatment of whipworm infection? Do herbal baths with honey and flour really allow you to get rid of hairworms?
Human whipworm( Trichuris trichiura ) is a parasite that causes a disease called trichocephalosis. Whipworm infections are common, especially in warm and tropical countries, most often in the Caribbean, South Africa and Malaysia. In Poland, most infections are found in rural areas.
Whipworm disease affects people of all ages, but it is most often diagnosed in preschool and early school-age children.
An adult whipworm is about 3-5 cm long, lives for several years and has an unusual body shape that resembles a whip.
Females can lay 2,000 to 14,000 eggs per day.
They have a dark brown color, an oblong, oval shape and characteristic hyaline plugs on both poles.
In optimal environmental conditions, they remain viable for up to several years.
Human whipworm - how can you get infected?
Invasive larvae develop in the eggs of the whipworm, excreted in the faeces into the external environment. After eating the eggs, invasive larvae of the parasite hatch in the human intestines.
It should be noted that the infection may be mediated by flies, which transfer eggs with larvae from faeces and soil to food.
for a few days the larvae anchor in the intestinal mucosa (histotropic phase) and feed on the host's blood. They then go back to the lumen of the gut where they reach sexual maturity. In the human body, a whipworm can live for up to 5 years.
Human whipworm - symptoms
In carriers of a small number of parasites, no symptoms of disease are found. In the event of an intense infestation, symptoms such as:
- lack of appetite
- abdominal pain, usually in the lower right abdominal square
- mucous diarrhea, sometimes with blood
- weight loss
- insomnia
- neurosis
- dizziness
- headaches
- anemia and its symptoms (weakness, pale skin)
- allergic skin symptoms
Whipworm infection in childrenadditionally manifests itself with growth retardation and delayed cognitive development.
To prevent contamination, follow good personal hygiene practices. In addition, carefully wash the raw vegetables and fruits.
Human whipworm - diagnostics. What tests should be performed?
A stool examination is performed. The parasite's eggs are excreted in the faeces three months after infection. Parasites themselves are usually not found in the stool.
- Examination of faeces for parasites - results. When and how to perform the test?
- Blood tests for parasites - what are they?
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Human whipworm - treatment
The treatment uses anti-parasitic drugs such as albendazole, mebendazole or ivermectin. Treatment of whipworm infection is difficult due to the strong and deep penetration of parasites into the intestinal wall and low sensitivity to the medications used.
Worth knowingWhipworm - does herbal flour and honey baths have anti-parasitic effect?
Some people argue that herbal baths made of honey flour are anti-parasitic. After soaking in the infusion of anti-parasitic herbs, rub the skin of the arms, back, side of the neck, arms and legs with honey and then sprinkle them with flour.
In this way, the whipworms are to "come out" through the skin. Proponents of this method recommend removing parasites from the surface of the body by rubbing the skin with a sponge or shaving with a razor.
Apparently, the best results of bathing can be seen when it is used on the full moon. However, parasites cannot "go out" through the skin. Whipworm is parasitic in the intestine and cannot pass through its wall. Besides, after crossing it, they would have to pass through numerous tissues and organs to finally get to the skin. He also does not have this ability.