Amoeba infection (negleriosis) is usually fatal. Amoeba attacks the brain and feeds on its tissue. 99 percent patients die within a few days of the parasite entering the body. The infection occurs most often in summer, when swimming in warm water reservoirs. Find out how you can catch an amoeba, how to recognize the symptoms of the infection and how to treat it.
The infection with the amoeba , a rare parasiteNaegleria fowleri , is most often fatal. Amoeba causes meningitis, known asnegleriosis . Infection usually cannot be controlled, which results in the patient dying quickly - usually within a few days after the amoeba entered the body.
In 60 years, only 128 cases of amoeba infection have been reported. Only 3 healed people are known in the world. One of them is an American, now 13-year-old Kali Hardig, who in 2013 was infected with an amoeba, most likely while playing in a water park.
Amoeba infection (negleriosis) - where does amoeba occur?
Amoeba is found in moist soil and air, but most often grows in very warm, fresh and still water. Therefore, the greatest threat is posed by natural hot water sources as well as warm and closed water reservoirs - lakes and ponds.
It can also occur, among others in swimming pools and hydrotherapy pools. The most cases of negleriosis are recorded in the United States, Pakistan and New Zealand.
Amoeba infection (negleriosis) - is it possible to get an amoeba infection in Poland?
So far, no cases of negleriosis have been reported in Poland. Our country is not a natural habitat for this type of amoeba because the waters are too cold. You can also feel safe in all kinds of swimming pools where the water is chlorinated, as well as in water reservoirs that are tiled and regularly cleaned.
However, artificially created conditions favor the development of the parasite. Strains of this protozoan were discovered in the 1980s in the warm waters of Konin Lakes (Greater Poland Voivodeship), which were heated by nearby power plants.
Amoeba infection (negleriosis) - how do you get infected with an amoeba?
People become infected most often while swimming in contaminated water( although cases of infection were also reported in people who used untreated water to wash their sinuses). Then the amoeba enters the body through the nose, then "bites" through the mucous membranes and reaches the brain.
It is not yet known why infection only develops in some people, even though millions of people swim in contagious waters each year. Scientists are sure that the risk of infection is highest in hot weather and increases in people who have inadequately educated (children) or weakened immunity (including the elderly).
It should be noted that you cannot catch an amoeba by drinking water.
Amoeba infection (negleriosis) - symptoms
Symptoms of infection appear up to 7 days after the parasite enters the body:
- headaches
- increased body temperature
- vomiting
- neck stiffness
- sleepiness (you can sleep for days).
Problems with concentration, loss of balance, convulsions and hallucinations are other symptoms of an amoeba attack on the brain. Following these symptoms, the disease progresses very rapidly and rapidly, with death usually occurring within 12 days.
Amoeba infection (negleriosis) - diagnosis
If an infection is suspected, the cerebrospinal fluid is checked for the presence of amoebaNaegleria fowleri .
Amoeba infection (negleriosis) - treatment
Antibiotics are used during treatment, but they are not effective because they do not reach the brain. In this situation, doctors must decide on the risk of administering the antibiotic directly to the brain. This is what Dr. Sanjiv Pasala, who treated Kali Hardig, did. Directly to the girl's brain, he administered a mixture of antifungal drugs, antibiotics and a developed new agent that penetrates the blood-brain barrier.
Amoeba infection - how to prevent it?
Experts advise you to avoid swimming in freshwater when the temperature is high and the water level is low. To minimize the risk of infection, use nose clips while showering. This will prevent infection as the amoeba enters the human brain after it passes through the nasal mucosa. You should also be extremely careful when wading in the water.
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