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Demodicosis inhabits the eyelashes and eyelids area of ​​most adults, but only in some of them it causes a disease called demodicosis or demodicosis. Ailments caused by Demodex are sometimes confused with symptoms of other skin and eye diseases, as well as with allergic reactions. How can I find out if boredom is the source of the problem?

Itching of the edges of the eyelids, burning, evening feeling after turning off the light that something is walking on me, something hollows my skin, recurrent chalazions, barley, eyelid inflammation, a feeling of dryness, sometimes burning in the eye - all these symptoms are caused by weariness Dr. Mariusz Rowiński, an expert and specialist who treats demodicosis patients at the Eye Laser Microsurgery Center in Warsaw, told "Poradnik Zdrowie" about its diagnosis.

How is Demodex diagnosed?

Doctor Mariusz Rowiński, when asked about the diagnosis of demodicosis, described it in the following words:

Diagnostics of the lash mite is a simple procedure based on the assessment of the eyelashes collected from the patient. Three or four eyelashes should be collected from each eyelid. Therefore, there should be between 12 and 16 eyelashes in the preparation. It's a simple preparation. After the eyelashes are suspended in saline, it is assessed under an ordinary microscope. Demodex are visible already at x40 magnification. However, the x100 and x400 magnification will give us the full picture. When assessing the preparation, we count the adult forms. We count intermediate forms. We count the eggs. And depending on the ratio of these individual forms, we can develop an idea of ​​how strong the infestation is and how big problems the parasite can cause in the patient.

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