Demodex is a parasite that often attacks dogs or cats. It feeds, among others on their eyelashes and eyelids - just like in humans. Can pet owners get infected with demodicosis from their four-legged pets?
Demodicosis, also known as demodicosis, is a disease that almost every dog or cat can get sick with. The microscopic arachnid of the mite order eagerly settles on the skin and hair of domestic animals, often those who are just born, and passes on to them from their mothers. Is it just as easy to switch to people?
Is it possible to get infected with demodicosis from domestic animals?
Doctor Mariusz Rowiński - an expert and specialist who treats demodicosis patients on a daily basis in the Eye Laser Microsurgery Center in Warsaw - dispelled doubts about the possibility of contracting demodicosis from domestic animals:
Over a hundred species of Demodex have been highlighted. Only two colonize humans: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. Very often patients ask, knowing that demodicosis is also a disease of domestic animals - dogs and cats - whether the demodicosis found in them could have been transferred from their pets. Not. Human Demodex is not to be confused with Canine Demodex or Cat Demodex. They are two different creatures. Dogs and cats have their own Demodex, and humans have theirs.