Surgery of the thyroid gland may be necessary when you have goiter, hyperthyroidism or palpable nodules. The decision to remove the diseased gland is always preceded by a series of specialist examinations, and the extent of its excision depends on the decision of the attending physician. How is the thyroid removed? What complications may occur?
Thyroid surgery( strumectomy ,thyreidectomy ) is usually only one of the stages of treatment of diseases thyroid gland. The decision about whether it is necessary is made by the doctor after conducting a series of specialist examinations (ultrasound, cytology, ultrasonography) and after talking to the patient.
Indications for thyroid surgery
- large goitres (lumpy, fleshy, retrosternal) compressing the airways or causing an unfavorable cosmetic effect (even with normal thyroid function)
- presence of a malignant tumor or suspicious nodules in the thyroid gland
- goiter growing despite the use of appropriate medications
- complicated severe hyperthyroidism
Scope of the thyroidectomy
The thyroid gland is located on the neck, consists of two lobes (right and left) connected with each other by a thin strip of glandular tissue. Depending on the doctor's decision, the following may be cut out:
- one lobe
- flap with a stamen (band of glandular tissue) and a fragment of the second flap
- whole thyroid gland
How is thyroid surgery going?
The operation is performed under full anesthesia. The patient is lying on his back with his head tilted back. The entire procedure takes about two hours. With normal healing and recovery, a hospital stay takes a week. Neck massages are recommended for faster recovery.
After the surgery, the most important thing is to be under the constant care of an endocrinologist. This will help you avoid unwanted complications. Complications that may occur after the procedure are hypoparathyroidism, caused by a reduction in the size of the gland, or hoarseness (this, however, most often disappears within 6 to 12 months). The scar left after the operation should be arc-shaped, about 10 cm long. It is usually difficult to see because the seams or clasps are removed very quickly - even after 2days after the operation.
Complications after thyroid surgery
Complications after thyroid surgery are rare, if they do occur, they are the most common:
- damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve
- damage to the upper laryngeal nerve
- removal of parathyroid glands
- postoperative bleeding
- allergic reactions after taking medications
- inflammatory complications
- damage to adjacent organs
- air embolism