Watch out for these symptoms! If you feel that your eyesight is beginning to have trouble seeing, these may be the first symptoms of macular degeneration of the eye. Most of them occur in both forms of AMD, only to a lesser degree in the dry form. Check if you can still see well.

Macular Degeneration ? When we turn fifty, we are not surprised that our vision is getting worse. We are getting old. It is only during the visit to the ophthalmologist that we find out that we have macular degeneration, i.e.AMD .

Macular Degeneration Symptoms

1. Image distortion- the first symptom characteristic of wet AMD. It is the curvature, undulating of straight lines due to the exudation that changes the refraction angle of the light. We do not always pay attention to such image distortions, so after the age of 50 you have to carry out the Amsler test yourself. It's easy to find on the internet, but you can also use a checkered piece of paper. We draw a point in its center. We cover one eye with our hand (do not press it!) And look at the paper from a distance of 30-40 cm (we do it with reading glasses). Then we check the other eye. A curved line, a "swelling" of a point (it turns into a blurry spot) is evidence of AMD.

2. Difficulty reading- fragments of a word, and sometimes even whole words, if they are short, fall out of the text. To read them, you need to change the position of your head.

3. Muted colors- the world turns gray, because the colors are less saturated, lose their intensity, merge with each other. Such a symptom is caused by the dying of the photoreceptors responsible for seeing the colors that are present in the macula.

4. Weak contrast- the contours of objects blur, blur, it is more difficult to see the details of the image, it is out of focus.

5. Gentle cloud- there is an impression that the eye is obscured by a cloud obscuring the image.

6. Dark spot- appears in the center of the field of view. It is small at first, but increases in size as the disease progresses. You can only see what is at the edge of the field of view, which is really not much.

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