Teratomas are a type of germ cell tumors. They develop from germ cells, i.e. multi-potential that can give rise to any tissue in the human body. They are a patchwork of various tissues that make up the human body. They can contain hair, skin, glands (sebaceous glands, salivary glands), cartilage, bone, muscle and nervous tissue. In this chaotic mass, even deformed teeth can occur. They can occur in children and adults. What are the causes of teratomas? What is their treatment?
Potworniomas , or teratomas, are neoplasms containing tissue elements from various organs. There are mature teratomas (benign neoplasms) and immature teratomas (malignant neoplasms).
1. Mature teratomas
- structure - composed of mature cells that form tissues similar to normal, well-developed structures (e.g. skin, hair, teeth, bones, intestines)
- location - mostly ovaries / testicles
- growth - slow, can reach considerable size
- can produce hormones, e.g. thyroid hormones.
The most common mature teratoma iscyst (cyst) dermoid(cystis dermoidalis), which is woven from randomly mixed pieces of skin, hair, glands, and sometimes teeth and bones.
2. Immature teratomas
- structure - consisting of cells that do not yet have assigned functions, histologically immature and at risk of malignancy
- location - mostly ovaries / testicles
- growth - fast. They cause infiltrates on adjacent organs and metastasize
- can produce hormones, e.g. chorionic gonadotropin.
Other possible sites of teratomas are the mediastinum, retroperitoneal space, nasopharynx and central nervous system (e.g. pituitary), liver, bladder. They can also appear along the spine, create growths in the area of the sacrum and coccyx.
There are two peaks in the incidence of this type of cancer: the first in young children up to 3 years of age, in whom sacro-tail and testicular tumors predominate, and the second peak in adolescents over 12 years of age, with a predominance of tumors ovary in girls.
Potworniak - causes of formation
No.it is known why teratomas arise. It is presumed that teratomas arise from embryonic (stem) cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation. In the normal development of an organism, they give rise to three germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. From them, subsequent cells are formed that make up the tissues of the body, and each of them has its own anatomical place.
Tissues that make up teratomas also arise from germ layers, but with no order or composition. These are such "lost" or "stray" tissues and cells in the body that are out of place.
In addition - depending on the fragments of which organs are in the teratoma, they can properly affect the entire body, for example, secreting hormones - most often gonadotropin, serotonin or thyroid hormones.
Teratoma - symptoms
Teratomas are most often located on the ovaries and testes. Cause:
- swelling, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen
- pain in the lower abdomen
- digestive symptoms - gas, indigestion, constipation, feeling full even after a very small meal, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
- pain when urinating
- pain when passing stools
- menstrual disorders
- upławy
- palpable lump in the scrotum, enlarged testicle, swelling and tenderness in the testicles, heaviness in the scrotum
In the case of advanced teratoma, the symptoms result from the growth of the local tumor (pressure, pain, infiltration of the surrounding structures), and in the case of immature teratoma, the symptoms are also associated with distant metastases (pain, dyspnoea, cough, hemoptysis)
Teratomas can be formed from thyroid tissue and form the so-calledovarian goiter( struma ovari ). They secrete hormones and the symptoms of an overactive thyroid gland. It also happens that they secrete gonadotropin or serotonin.
Potworniaki - diagnosis
The diagnosis of teratoma is made on the basis of symptoms, physical examination, imaging tests (X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography), gynecological examinations (in the case of ovarian teratoma) and blood tests.
Potworniaki - treatment
The only way to get rid of the teratoma is as soon as possible - especially when the doctor suspects immature form - to remove the tumor. The procedure is performed using the laparoscopic method or during traditional surgery.
The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, in some cases spinal anesthesia is possible. The excised tumor is always examinedhistopathologically, but leather cysts, although sometimes growing to the size of an orange, are rarely malignant (less than 1% of cases). If the tumor is benign, no additional treatment is needed.
In the case of immature teratomas after surgery, other oncological treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) may be necessary. However, this surgical treatment plays a special role in the treatment of teratomas due to the significant chemistry and radio resistance of this weaving.
After removal of the teratoma, it is recommended to have regular checkups and imaging tests (including regular ultrasound), as they have a tendency to recur.
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