Did you know that a proper diet supports the treatment of macular degeneration (AMD)? Vegetable lutein and oily sea fish are essential in the diet of every he alth conscious person, but essential in the diet of people at risk of macular degeneration (AMD) - a disease that can cause blindness.

As part of preventionAMD( macular degeneration ) he althy people and people at risk of degeneration, as well as people diagnosed with AMD, should follow an appropriate diet. A daily diet that will improve eyesight should include at least two servings of vegetables and fruits containing lutein.

Who is at risk of macular degeneration (AMD)?

  • elderly people over 50,
  • smoker,
  • people with hypertension, atherosclerosis, obese people with high cholesterol and farsightedness,
  • women - get sick more often than men,
  • people in whose family someone has been affected by this disease (genetic factors),
  • people with light irises - this is explained by the lower amount of melanin in the retina of eyes with light irises.

Eat oily sea fish two or three times a week (herring, mackerel, perch, sardines, pink salmon, white tuna, sea trout, sole, cod, halibut).

What to eat when you are at risk of macular degeneration (AMD)

  • green cabbage,
  • spinach,
  • parsley,
  • beetroot,
  • dill,
  • celery,
  • chives,
  • por,
  • broccoli,
  • green lettuce
  • pumpkin,
  • Brussels sprouts,
  • zucchini,
  • yellow and green peppers,
  • yellow corn,
  • cucumbers,
  • green beans,
  • green olives,
  • carrot,
  • tomatoes,
  • oranges.

In the prevention of AMD, doctors recommend supplementing the diet with preparations containing lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamins C and E, zinc and selenium, and essential omega-3 fatty acids (mainly DHA), which, according to recent studies, are essential in preventing and treat the disease.


Women who eat a lot of leafy greens, as well as green peas, corn, broccoli, and squashes have better eyesight later in life.According to American scientists, people who consume large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin contained in green vegetables are less prone to macular degeneration (AMD), because these vegetables (as well as egg yolk) contain lutein and zeaxanthin. In he althy women under 75 years of age, these substances reduce the risk of macular degeneration in the retina, which is responsible for deteriorating eyesight over time. So far, no effective cure for this inevitable ailment has been invented. American scientists studied over 1700 women aged 50-70 from the states of Iowa, Wisconsin and Oregon. They completed a questionnaire on their diet - the current one and that of 15 years ago. They also had eye examinations for macular degeneration. It found that he althy women who consumed large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin at meals - both now and 15 years earlier - were less susceptible to this eye disease. Scientists want to deepen this research to make sure that results aren't affected by massive Americans consuming dietary supplements.
