The organism must be nourished in order to fulfill its vital functions. But there is no single food that will give us everything we need. So you need to make a wise choice. This is where our faithful ally - the appetite - helps us.

Appetite - shaky proportions

Experts say there is a mechanism to prevent overeating . But not all of them work well. Mostly because we don't listen to him. And yet he clearly calls out to us - enough is enough! For as you eat, the pleasure decreases and finally disappears. However, we take it lightly and eat more. In this way, we get the stomach used to too large portions. Many people cannot imagine their lives without sweets and consume them in excess. This is explained by a drop in blood sugar, either a childhood habit when chocolate was a reward from parents, or thatsweetsraise serotonin levels in the brain, which improves mood. Regardless of the causes, the effect is known: we are getting fat!

Excessive or depressed appetite

It happens that we lose our appetite for a short timeour appetite , e.g. in a fever, but usually it does not matter much for our he alth. Certain medications, such as digitalis preparations for heart diseases, antibiotics, some cold remedies (even aspirin), and many painkillers are deprived of their appetite. Strong stresses and mental illnesses (especially depression) can also significantly reduce the appetite or, on the contrary - aggravate it and cause rapid weight gain.


A large appetite for chocolate is associated with the high content of magnesium and the fact that eating it quickly provides us with energy, the decrease of which may be a result of an imbalance in blood sugar. After chocolate, the sugar level levels off very quickly and we feel good again. Our body likes it so much that the appetite for chocolate accompanies us not only when the sugar level drops.

Lack of appetite

Chronic loss of appetite, combined with weight loss, can be a signal of serious gastrointestinal disease, circulatory failure, recurrent bronchitis, hormonal disorders (especially thyroid function), arthritis, diabetes, infection, and even cancer. Children freaking out while eating are a torment for their parents. The reason is most often errorseducational. Sometimes the lack of appetite causes a banal infection, but also a chronic disease, allergy, vitamin deficiency, as well as the presence of parasites: pinworms, roundworms, and lamblia. You can try to improve your child's appetite by giving him sour cabbage juice to drink (a quarter of a glass a day) and sprinkling ground cumin on the food.

Appetite - where does the taste come from

The feeling of taste starts in the mouth. On the papilla of the tongue, the soft palate and the back wall of the pharynx there are taste buds. From these egg-shaped structures protrude "antennae" - taste stamens. They come into contact with food and perceive stimuli that are passed on to the taste centers of the brain. The taste buds distinguish four basic flavors: s alty, sweet, bitter and sour, but we know many more of them, sometimes even refined. It is the result of mixing basic flavors with olfactory, visual and thermal sensations. Especially the sense of smell plays an important role. A person deprived of the smell, e.g. by a runny nose, blindfolded, cannot distinguish a bite of an apple from an onion. If we attack the sense of smell with the same smell for a long time, the receptors will become dull and we will not feel it. The taste also plays tricks on us. For example, let's try to set aside sugar for two weeks. Let us not add it to tea or coffee, we do not eat honey and desserts. After this time, he will seem as sweet as ever.

Don't do that

How not to feed your baby

  • Do not give him sweets, chips or similar snacks between meals.
  • Do not put large portions on the plate, food should be tasty and colorful.
  • Do not feed - independence gives the child satisfaction.
  • Do not force food, especially if the child is sad or anxious (when the stress is over, the child will get hungry and ask for food himself).

Appetite - change of preferences

Pregnant women and before the menstrual period have taste cravings. The reason is not whims, but hormonal changes that take place in the woman's body. It is said that the appetite rages without nicotine. Therefore, people who quit smoking get fat. But it's not the appetite that is to blame, but the bad eating habits. And the fact that giving up cigarettes slows down the metabolism and, in combination with the lack of exercise, adds unwanted kilograms. You can change your taste preferences as long as you don't do it violently. You have to give your body something in return. Chocolate can be replaced with apricots, figs, peaches, rich in magnesium and less caloric. They restore the blood sugar balance for longer. Appetite is also influenced by the sight of food. If the meal is high in calories and the portion is small, we do not feel saturated. We are used to portions of a certain volume. Nutritionistsadvise to cheat the appetite: increase portions, but keep the composition and caloric value.

Apple for he alth and appetite

Our grandmothers already knew that it is good to eat at least one apple every day. It contains pectin, which removes lead, other heavy metals and cholesterol from the gastrointestinal tract. It also stimulates digestion and appetite.

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