Eyes bulging is the protrusion of the eyeballs to the front, sometimes upwards or to the side. There can be many reasons for this symptom, and the treatment of exophthalmos is primarily based on a precise diagnosis. What diseases cause exophthalmos? Can goggle be dangerous?
Eyes bulgingis a condition in which the eyeballs (both or one) are blown out of the socket because they no longer fit into it. It happens as a result of a decrease in the capacity of the orbit or an increase in its content. If there is tissue growing in the eye socket, it may be because it is inflamed or because it is primarily overactive. Enlarged eyes have limited mobility, often become bloodshot, and the eyelid cannot fully close. This can dry out the cornea and ulcerate and become inflamed over time.
Why does my eyes widen?
Exophthalmos is most often caused by hyperthyroidism - e.g. in the course of Graves' disease, but also:
- with some inflammation in the eye socket
- cancer (leukemia, neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma)
- trauma to the bones of the skull
- bleeding in the back of the eyeball (e.g. as a result of an injury)
- hemangioma
- extension of the veins in the eye sockets
- high myopia, glaucoma
Exophthalmos can vary in severity. Significant exophthalmia (called malignant exophthalmos) makes it impossible to close the eyelids. We can also distinguish pulsating exophthalmia, characterized by a ripple around the eyeball caused by damage to the wall of the internal carotid artery within the cavernous sinus.
Rubbing eyes - symptoms
Symptoms accompanying exophthalmos:
- ejection of the eyeball from the socket
- limitation of eye mobility
- swelling, conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis
- tearing and discharge from the eyes
- difficult blinking, eyelid closing, trembling when closing the eyelids
- eye pain
- optic nerve damage, progressive blindness
- photosensitivity
- double vision
One eye exophthalmos in children is a particularly disturbing symptom that requires immediate medical consultation. May be a sign of thyroid orbitopathy, butalso about a tumor, e.g. Ewing's sarcoma, neuroblastoma or green tumor in the course of acute myeloid leukemia.
What causes open eyes - diagnostics
A patient with proptosis should undergo a series of ophthalmological examinations:
- eye pressure measurement
- exophthalmometry (measurement of the fixation of the eyeballs in the eye socket)
- X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. Thanks to these tests, it is possible to detect and determine the location and size of a tumor or other abnormalities around the eyes.
- slit lamp examination
In addition, a blood test should be performed to detect the underlying disease - e.g. to determine the level of TSH.
Propaganda - treatment
Appropriate treatment is recommended depending on the cause ofopenosis. These can be steroids, immunosuppressants, radiotherapy, etc. The most common cause of exophthalmos is thyroid disease - in this case, anti-thyroid drugs, beta-blockers (propranolol), radioactive iodine (to destroy the thyroid gland) are used, sometimes the thyroid gland has to be surgically removed.
Proptosis should never be taken lightly, as it can lead to serious complications, both for the progression of the underlying disease, and for the exophthalmos itself - which, if left untreated, can cause drying out and damage to the cornea. In addition, all inflammation and neoplasms located in the eye socket spread much easier and faster.
Exophthalmos itself, as a symptom, can be soothed by moistening the eyes with saline or antibiotic fluid if it becomes ulcerated, or with a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation. Sunglasses can also help.
In some cases, it happens that a surgical procedure is necessary, consisting in temporary, incomplete suturing of the eyelid gap. Patients are also operated on when there is a problem with the communication between the arteries and veins in the eyes.
Cigarette smokers are more likely to develop eye problems related to thyroid disease. So - quitting addiction can help relieveopen eyes.