There are many reasons for sudden vision loss, but thankfully not everyone leads to permanent blindness. In any case, however, prompt ophthalmic assistance is necessary.

If you suddenly lose your sight, do not delay your visit to the doctor, because the time that determines youreyesightbehavior. The sooner you find a specialist, the better your chances of saving a goodvision . You should be alarmed not only by the situation in which you cannot see the world around you, but also when the visual acuityhas deteriorated significantly . Sudden blindness can be caused by tumorseyeball , injuries, opacitycorneaafter chemical burn, optic nerve diseases, intracranial tumors, migraine, hysteria. But these are quite rare reasons, and we discuss the most common ones next.

Acute attack of glaucoma

It is caused by a sudden increase in intraocular pressure as a result of the total closure of the tidal angle and blockage of the outflow of aqueous humor.» What symptoms: For an acute attack of glaucoma, the characteristic symptoms are: very severe eye pain and headaches with accompanying nausea, vomiting, sudden fogging of the image, decrease in visual acuity, "rainbow circles" appearing around light sources, red eyeball, dilated pupil.» What to do: Acute attack glaucoma requires hospitalization and treatment as soon as possible. In the first place, the patient is given drop medications to lower the pressure, narrow the pupil, and oral or intravenous medications to reduce the secretion of aqueous humor into the eye. The correct treatment is iridotomy, i.e. laser therapy. The procedure consists in making an opening in the iris, thanks to which the aqueous fluid flows between the anterior and posterior eye chambers. Iridotomy is performed after acute hypertension and miosis have been controlled pharmacologically. The procedure is performed in both eyes.

Does glaucoma have symptoms?

Bacterial or viral inflammation

An eye infection with bacteria, fungi or viruses can result in acute inflammation of the central part of the retina and choroid. The cause of infection can also be immune, infectious and zoonotic diseases (such as toxoplasmosis), but sometimes the cause of the disease is unknown. » What symptoms: They always depend on the site of damage to the retina and choroid. Inflammation of the macula (the most important part of the retina) is manifested by scotomas in the visual field, flashes, and a disturbance of the shapes and colors seen. With inflammation of the peripheral parts of the eye, no bothersome symptoms may appear.» What to do: See an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. You should prepare for the visit, incl. write down your medical history, recent infections, stays abroad, especially in tropical countries, and last vaccinations on a piece of paper.

Blood stroke

Vitreous haemorrhage is a very common cause of sudden vision loss. People with diabetic changes on the fundus, atherosclerosis, poorly treated hypertension and blood coagulation disorders are at risk. If there is a bloody spot in the eye, it is a sign that there is a subconjunctival hemorrhage, which is a consequence of diseases of the entire body and fragility of the vessels. It is not dangerous to the eyesight. Vitreous effusions are dangerous, they cannot be seen from the outside, but they affect the quality of vision. in the field of view. If we have doubts as to whether we can see worse with one eye, cover it with your hand to make sure it is so. With a massive stroke, there is a sudden loss of vision. Often the cause of a stroke is a tear in the retina, which should be operated on immediately.» What to do: You need to go to an eye care office. Minor strokes are usually self-absorbing. Massive is removed surgically. The procedure that needs to be performed is a vitrectomy - removal of the vitreous body along with the haemorrhages.

Detachment of part or all of the retina

The disease is fostered by: myopia, eye inflammation, surgery, injuries. The risk is diabetes and blood diseases. If, due to degenerative changes, the retina is abraded or torn, a hole is made in it, through which the vitreous fluid leaks, which presses under the retina and delaminates it.» What the symptoms: It is painless, but vision usually deteriorates after a sharp bend down or lifting a load. There are flashes, floaters or a feeling of a veil or a curtain limiting your eyesight in front of your eyes.» What to do: It is necessary to start treatment quickly - applying a special silicone seal or performing a vitrectomy. Smaller delamination can be laser-treated.


Inflammation in the eyeball, eye sockets, sinuses, teeth and diseases of the central nervous system lead to its development.The risk of developing the disease increases in people suffering from infectious diseases, rheumatic diseases or in case of serious poisoning.» What are the symptoms: In the first phase of the disease the focus is weakened and the field of vision changes. Scots may appear in front of your eyes. After a few hours, we have difficulty recognizing red and green. When the inflammation spreads to the retrobulbar segment of the optic nerve, pain occurs when the eyeball is moved.» What to do: See an ophthalmologist quickly. Too late treatment can cause optic atrophy and loss of vision. Treatment consists of taking steroid drugs in large doses in the hospital.

Blood clot and embolism

Closing the lumen of an artery or vein that supplies blood to the retina of the eye results in loss of vision. It usually affects people who suffer from atherosclerosis and have hardened vascular walls, hypertension and other cardiovascular and blood diseases.» What are the symptoms: Loss of sight is painless and usually affects one eye. Temporary visual disturbances may occur a few days earlier. There is haemorrhage, swelling, ischemia in the retina.» What to do: In the event of an arterial embolism (complete blindness in one eye), see an ophthalmologist within one hour of the onset of symptoms.

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