The most delicious and the richest in vitamins are tomatoes straight from the bush. But we can benefit from the benefits of tomatoes all year round. You can also find substances invaluable for your he alth in tomato preparations - sauces, ketchup, dried tomatoes.
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't really matter iftomatogrew in a greenhouse or in a field. The most important thing is that it should be fresh and mature. The tastiest and he althiest ones aretomatoes , which have a distinct, pleasant smell (we smell it from the side of the stalk). The strong aroma shows that the tomatoes have been allowed to mature peacefully on the bush. Prematurely broken and "reaching", for example, on the windowsill, they contain much less fragrances. When buying, pay attention to the color of the crust - it should also be intensely colored at the very stalk.
Tomatoes - a source of vitamins and minerals
Tomatoes have plenty ofvitaminC. A large fruit (about 180 g) covers 60 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C. It also contains a lot of vitamin E (25% of the daily requirement) and beta-carotene - strong antioxidants, i.e. substances invaluable for our he alth that neutralize harmful free radicals. Tomatoes contain B vitamins (they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system), including vitamin PP (affects the metabolism of sugar and cholesterol in the blood) and vitamin K (has anticoagulant properties). Tomatoes are also rich in mineral elements. One of the most important is potassium, which, thanks to its diuretic effect, lowers blood pressure. Tomatoes also provide calcium, magnesium and iron. You will also find micronutrients rarely found in food products, such as manganese, copper or cob alt.
- Tomato juice - he alth properties and nutritional values
Why are tomatoes he althy?
ImportantTomatoes found their way to Europe in the 16th century. They were brought from America by Christopher Columbus. Initially, they were considered only a … ornamental plant. Later, sauces began to be prepared from them. Today, they occupy the first place in the vegetable harvest in the EU countries (about 12-13 million tons annually). One of the main exporters of tomatoes is Poland, which even ships them to Greece.
A valuable ingredient in tomatoes - anti-cancer lycopene
Lycopene is a natural dye, thankswhose tomatoes have an intense red color. But large amounts of it are also found in the yellow varieties of these vegetables. Lycopene is the strongest antioxidant of the whole group of carotenoids - compounds that also include the aforementioned beta-carotene. Unfortunately, our body does not produce lycopene itself, so it must be supplied from the outside. For example, by eating tomatoes every day, which are the best source of this substance. A diet rich in lycopene prevents heart attacks and the development of atherosclerosis. It has been reported to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Tomatoes have also been shown to inhibit macular degeneration, which is one of the causes of blindness after the age of 65. However, studies show that lycopene is the most effective in preventing prostate cancer. Gentlemen who eat tomatoes regularly are 34 percent. less likely to develop this disease. But in order for lycopene to be effective in protecting it, we need to provide it in the right amounts. We should eat one tomato or a plate of tomato soup every day. Two tablespoons of ketchup or a glass of juice will also work.
Tomatoes for figure and beauty
The ladies who want to lose weight should make friends with tomatoes. Tomatoes as much as 93 percent. they consist of water, so they are not very caloric. There are approx. 15 kcal in 100 g. In addition, they contain fiber, which ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time. The diuretic potassium makes it much easier to get rid of excess water from the body. But thanks to tomatoes, we can not only be slim - they also have a very positive effect on the condition of our skin. Vitamin C increases the level of its oxygenation and strengthens small blood vessels. It also prevents excessive hair breakage and hair loss. Vitamin E protects against wrinkles and premature aging. It is not only the tomato diet that has a positive effect on the beauty. It is worth knowing that lubricating the face or hands with tomato juice lightens discoloration and soothes acne lesions. But before you conduct the treatment, check in advance how your skin reacts. Brush the inside of the forearm with a dash of juice. If no redness appears within an hour, you can also use tomatoes as a cosmetic.
Tomatoes can also be harmful
A diet rich in tomatoes is not recommended for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and gout. They must also be considered by those suffering from heartburn. If you have a sensitive digestive tract, peel the tomatoes (it is easiest to come off after baking). The same should be done when giving them to people who have thembiting problems. Tomatoes can cause allergies. Nursing mothers should avoid their mothers, and children should be introduced to their diets gradually - this will reduce the risk of allergies.
Red, yellow and green tomatoes
In addition to red tomatoes, yellow and green, unripe tomatoes also appear in our kitchen. In terms of vitamin content, yellow is just as valuable as red, although there is a little less valuable lycopene in them. However, we should be very careful with green tomatoes. They do not contain as many nutrients as matured ones, but they do have much more tomatin, which is a harmful alkaloid. It becomes active especially after sprinkling vegetables with vinegar. This is why eating significant amounts of green tomato salad with vinaigrette can cause migraines. Such sensations will not be caused by preserves made of the same green tomatoes. Tomatin loses all its harmful properties under the influence of temperature.
Tomato species
They have similar nutrient content, but differ in shape and taste. These are the ones that we can most often find in shops and bazaars:
- Round ground. The most popular species. They have a lot of juice. The tastiest ones are those grown in the open air. Greenhouse hothouses can taste a bit bland. Perfect raw and cooked. Best for preserves.
- Dwarf. They are usually sold in clusters. They have a very intense flavor and a lot of juice. They can be prepared in different ways.
- Raspberry. The greatest of all. They have a firm flesh and a lot of juice, as well as a mild and sweet taste. Delicious raw, but you can also make preserves.
- Bull's hearts. They are distinguished by their oblong shape and very hard flesh. They are also less juicy than other tomatoes and contain fewer seeds. The taste is similar to raspberry, but less aromatic. They are perfect for salads and preserves.
- Cocktail party. The smallest of tomatoes. They are red, orange or yellow. They are mainly used for decoration.
Combining tomatoes with cucumbers
Combining tomatoes and cucumbers in one salad is not the best solution - the enzyme present in cucumbers kills the vitamin C contained in tomatoes. It has a protective effect on vitamin C, and additionally increases the absorption of lycopene from tomatoes.
Valuable tomato preserves
An important place in our diet should be sauces, ketchups and tomato concentrates. They do not live up to raw tomatoesvitamin content, but they are much better in terms of the amount of easily absorbed lycopene. During thermal treatment, some chemical bonds are broken, as a result of which lycopene is transformed into a compound that is much easier for our body to absorb. The level of lycopene in the blood after eating tomato preserves is 2-3 times higher than after eating fresh tomatoes.
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