Hypertension is a serious disease and you need to take your medication constantly to prevent its effects. Herbs can also support the therapy. They may even prove to be a sufficient means of controlling the disease - as long as the beginning of the disease can be caught. We present 3 herbs that are the most effective at lowering blood pressure.
Hypertensionis usually detected by chance because it is slow to progress and not symptomatic of this disease alone. These are called nonspecific signs because they also appear in other ailments, so they should worry us twice. These symptoms are:
- pressure in the head or dull headache
- dizziness
- fatigue
- nose bleed
- sleep disturbance
- nervousness
- heart ailments - pounding heart, feeling of pressure or tightness around it
- shortness of breath
Unfortunately, it often happens that only serious complications induce a diagnosis of hypertension, such as:
- stroke
- ischemic disease
- heart attack
- kidney failure
Therefore, it is worth checking blood pressure often, because in this way you can find slight deviations from the norm and effectively stop the progression of the disease. In many caseslowering blood pressureis achieved withherbal therapy . But even when it turns out to be necessary to take classic drugs, the combination of pharmacotherapy with phytotherapy often allows for the use of less drugs, and in the long run also for the discontinuation of some preparations.
Herbs for reducing pressure: mistletoe
Mistletoe- this semi-parasitic shrub that grows on the branches of various trees, mainly deciduous, is a torment for gardeners, but enjoys great recognition among herbalists. The mistletoe herb contains a set of substances that are not often found in the plant world. These include :
- glycoproteins (lectins)
- viscotoxin
- polysaccharides
- sugar alcohols
- flavonoids
- phenylpropanoids
- phenolic acids
- amino acids - includinggamma-aminobutyric acid
- triterpene compounds
- phytosterols
- peptides
One of the many healing properties of mistletoe is its actionhypotensive. They are attributed to the presence ofgamma-aminobutyric acid- a neurotransmitter that, inter alia, dilates blood vessels. In addition, water and alcohol extracts from the herb have a calming and diuretic effect, which also translates into lower blood pressure.
Read also:Herbs for nerves. They relieve tension and stress
How to use mistletoe
Mistletoe herb is a component of many preparations used in phytotherapy. In the initial stage of hypertensive disease, mistletoe often turns out to be the only sufficient drug - however, it can only be determined after prolonged use, for at least 2 weeks. It is also worth remembering that the effectiveness of mistletoe water extracts, prepared on your own, varies and depends on the species of mistletoe host and the period of herb harvest.
How to prepare an infusion of mistletoe1 tablespoon of crushed mistletoe herb pour a glass of warm water (approx. 30 ° C), leave for an hour, stir periodically. Drain. Drink 1/3 cup 2 or 3 times a day.
Herbs for lowering blood pressure: hawthorn
Unlike the ornamentalhawthornvariety, the one with white or pale pink flowers is one of the plants most appreciated by herbalists and pharmacists. Both its flowers and fruits contain many substances that have a significant impact on blood vessels and the he alth of the heart. These include :
- phenolic acids
- amines
- phytosterols
- tannins
- vitamin C
- B vitamins
- pectins
- mineral s alts
- flavonoids
- procyanides
Flavonoid compounds - mainly hyperoside, as well as vitexin and its derivatives - have a diastolic effect on smooth muscles, e.g. coronary vessels. Similar properties are shown by oligomeric dehydrocatechins, including procyanidins - as a result, blood pressure is lowered.
Hawthorn preparations also increase the strength of heart contractions, slightly slowing their frequency, thanks to which the heart works more efficiently. In addition, they seal and strengthen blood vessels, have a calming and diuretic effect - which in turn also has a positive effect on blood pressure.
Read also:Diuretic herbs - an effective remedy for edema and other ailments
How to use hawthorn?
Hawthorn - due to its relaxing, calming and diuretic effect - is a component of numerous herbal preparations used in cardiovascular ailments and in hypertension. When preparing your own hawthorn preserves, remember that fruit is slightly less effective than flowers.
How to preparehawthorn infusion?1 teaspoon of crushed hawthorn flowers and leaves pour a glass of warm water and slowly heat, covered, for about 3 minutes. Drain. Drink a glass of decoction twice a day, freshly prepared each time. Pour 2 teaspoons of hawthorn fruit with a glass of boiling water and leave it covered for 20 minutes. Drain. Drink this amount 3 times a day.
Herbs for lowering blood pressure: rue
Although it has many medicinal properties, rue is also poisonous - it has a strong phototoxic effect and careless handling may cause allergy, and in some cases even severe burns. Ruta has a very complex chemical composition. It includes, among others:
- flavonoid rutin (rutoside)
- organic acids
- vitamin C
- mineral s alts
However, the most valuable plant components are:
- quinoline, furoquinoline and acridine alkaloids
- essential oil
- furanocoumarins
They have a calming and relaxing effect on the vascular muscles, incl. blood vessels, stimulate peripheral circulation and reduce high blood pressure. They also have a sealing effect on the walls of blood vessels, improving their elasticity and preventing brittleness.
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How to use rue?
Ruta is one of the many ingredients in herbal blends that lower blood pressure. When using this herb yourself, you need to be very careful. Due to its strong antispasmodic properties, rue cannot be taken by women who have heavy periods (may increase bleeding) and pregnant (may cause a miscarriage). This herb can also significantly reduce the absorption of other medications.
How to prepare infusions and medicinal tincture of rue?
- 1 tablespoon of rue, pour a glass of boiling water, leave covered for 15 minutes. Drain. Drink half a glass twice a day.
- 100 g of dried rue herb pour 1/2 liter of 70% spirit and set aside for a week. Drain. Drink 20-30 drops of the tincture per glass of water 2 times a day.
Hypertension takes several forms. So take a look at:
- PRIMARY hypertension
- SECONDARY Hypertension
- Hypertension MALFECT
And also check out our gallery with practical tips:

Author: Time S.A
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