The Italian he alth institute recently published a report showing that 70% of coronavirus victims were men and only 30% women. Where do these differences come from? Why do men die more often?
According to the report, the death rate in Italy, the second biggest pandemic source after China, is higher than in other countries at almost 9%. People over 70 are most at risk, as well as those with comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. As the report shows, the gender of SARS CoV-2 coronavirus patients is also important.
According to statistics, as of March 17, 2003 people died in Italy, of which 601 were women, and as many as 1402 - men. A similar disproportion, though much smaller, occurred in China. There, the mortality rate among men was 2.8%, and among women - 1.7%. What is the reason for this?
According to scientists, this is influenced by both biological factors and lifestyle.

- Why do men die more often - biological factors
- Why do men die more often - lifestyle
Why do men die more often - biological factors
Studies show that women show a stronger immune response to infections than men, and they respond better to vaccinations. Thanks to their strong cellular memory, adult women are immune to the pathogens they de alt with as children. However, this also has its drawbacks, as it is women who overwhelmingly develop autoimmune diseases, such as RA (rheumatoid arthritis) or lupus, in the course of which the body destroys its own tissues.
It's unclear why the female immune system is better at fighting the disease (research is still in its early stages), but scientists have made some hypotheses to explain this:
1. One is that women need to ensuresurvival for their offspring , and that babies get antibodies from their mother's milk so that their bodies are able to defend themselves against microbes before their immune systems are fully immune. will mature.
2. According to another, a stronger immune response is influenced byfemale sex hormone estrogen , which is also present in men, but to a small extentquantity. As researchers at McGill University found, estrogen stimulates the immune system.
3. This can also be explained by the fact that women have as many as two X chromosomes, which contain genes responsible for immunity. Men have one less chromosome.
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Differences in response to infections may also result from different behavior of ladies and gentlemen observed in different societies. 1. Smoking - In China, more than 50% of men and only 2% of women are heavy smokers. The Chinese make up 1/3 of the total smoking population in the world, and as you know, people with lung disease are at increased risk of coronavirus. 2. Type 2 diabetes - The Chinese also suffer from type 2 diabetes more often than Chinese women, they also have high blood pressure, and all such chronic diseases increase the risk of complications after coronavirus infection. 3. According to American scientists, when faced with the disease, women much more often than men seek medical advice, and as we already know, coronavirus patients who were diagnosed late had a lower chance of survival. 4. Hygiene - Research conducted after the outbreak of the coronavirus outbreak has shown that despite the emphasis on frequent hand washing, even male he alth care workers wash their hands less frequently than women, sometimes without even using soap. According to Akiko Wasaki, a professor of immunology at Yale University, this may be because men experience a false sense of security in the face of danger. As you can see, differences in immunity between men and women are influenced not only by differences in their immune systems, but also by their behavior. and the lifestyle they influence. More about the coronavirus from ChinaWhy do men die more often - lifestyle