Tetanus is an acute contagious disease that occurs all over the world. You should be aware that even a minor cut can lead to a life-threatening tetanus infection.
Tetanus is an infectious disease, but not contagious, caused by a bacterium that grows in anaerobic conditions -Clostridium tetani.It is popularly known astetanus stick for its shape . It may live for many years in spore form. It lurks in soil, house dust, water - both s alty and fresh, and in animal waste.
Tetanus: how do you get infected?
According to the statistics, 80 percent infections are caused byminor wounds . The greatest risk is associated with cuts and abrasions outside the home - for example when working in the garden or cleaning the graves of loved ones. Bacteria enter the wound along with dirt and soil. When they enter the body, they produce a potent poison calledtetanospazmin . This toxin damages the central nervous system. There is an increase in muscle tone, as well as painful and prolonged contractions of various muscle groups. Spasms of the respiratory muscles and larynx can be a serious problem as they lead to acute respiratory failure.
The time from the infection of the body to the appearance of the first symptoms is fromtwo days to two weeks , although sometimes the symptoms may last up to50 days from infection. It is believed that the shorter the incubation time, the more severe the disease is.
Tetanus: vaccinations will protect you
The only method of preventing tetanus is tetanus vaccination. In Poland, vaccinated children are compulsorily and free of charge. Primary vaccination is four times the dose in the first and second years of life. Subsequent supplemental doses are given at the age of 6, 14, and 19.
To prevent an adult from falling ill, it is necessary to repeat the administration of doses of this vaccine at appropriate intervals throughout life, at least every10 years .
Sometimes - apart from the vaccine - it is necessary to administerantitoxin . It is done when there are injuries in unvaccinated people, with incomplete vaccination course, if no documentation is available or the last dose of vaccination was given for more than 8 years.against injury.
Antitoxin is also administered in the case of deep, extensive, soil-contaminated wounds, if the wound was not properly treated, there was a lot of blood loss, the injured person was weakened or exhausted.
Read more: First aid: decontamination and dressing of wounds, stopping bleeding, nose bleeds
Tetanus: local, generalized and cerebral form
Tetanus can take three forms. The mildest in the course islocal character . It is characterized by pain, stiffness and muscle spasm in the area of the injury. These symptoms last up to several weeks. They may resolve spontaneously or may precede the symptomsof generalized tetanus .
The latter form is the most commonly observed form of the disease. Unfortunately, the symptoms are non-specific and make it difficult to recognize them quickly. The infection begins with irritability, headaches, and feelings of tension in various muscle groups. Sometimes there are numbness or tingling in the area of the wound. In half of cases, the initial symptom is also trismus caused by contraction of the facial muscles. It creates a compulsory smile on the patient's face, called " sardonic smile ".
As the infection develops, the following appear:
- neck stiffness,
- swallowing disorders,
- contraction of the back muscles causing the body to be tilted back.
Damage to the nervous and muscular systems also leads to seizures. Sometimes the contractions are so strong that they cause, among other things, spine fractures, muscle bleeds and tongue injuries.
The last form iscerebral tetanus . It develops when infection occurs in the area of the face and head. Nerves in this area are paralyzed then.
ImportantThe risk of getting sick increases when:
- The wound is deep, extensive, crushed, torn, burned, frostbitten, bitten by the animal.
- You hurt yourself with nails, splinters, glass, outside the house, the wound is dirty with soil.
- You have had an incomplete vaccination course, more than 8 years have passed since the last injection.
- You didn't disinfect your wound.
- You lost a lot of blood.
In such situations, contact your doctor immediately!
Tetanus: treatment always in hospital
Regardless of the form of the disease, treatment is always carried out in intensive care . It is necessary to administerantibiotic(penicillin, tetracycline, metronidazole). An equally important drug istetanus serum . It neutralizes the toxins circulating in the body.
At the same time - if a patientwas not vaccinated or received an incomplete vaccination course - tetanus vaccinations are administered. Muscle relaxants are also prescribed - they reduce muscle tension and spasms.
Untreated tetanus endsdeath . However, the seriousness of the disease is evidenced by the fact that even in the case of hospital therapy, the prognosis is not the best. More than50%of treated patients die.
The group most infected is people over60. years of agewho have not been immunized with a full vaccination course. Every year in Poland there areover a dozencases of tetanus.