Kurzajki, colloquially known as warts, are changes in the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They appear mainly on the feet and hands, but other parts of the body are also exposed to them. What do warts look like? How to recognize if skin changes are actually warts?
Kurzajkimost often appear on the hands and feet, although they can also appear on other parts of the body. They look like a lumpy growth that can reach from a few to even several millimeters. The surface of the wart, unlike the usual imprint, is irregular and rough.Kurzajki on feet , although they do not hurt, they can cause discomfort.Kurzajkioften appear around the nails, they lift the plate, which is associated with an unpleasant feeling.
Kurzajki - infection
Kurzajki, like other viral diseases, are contagious . Infection occurs through direct or indirect contact with the virus carrier. Kurzajka can be "caught" by shaking an infected person's hand, using the same towel or wearing the same shoes. Most often, you can get infected in public places, e.g. at the swimming pool, in the locker room, at the gym.
The places of increased risk are also beauty salons and cosmetic salons, where infection may occur as a result of contact with poorly disinfected tools. However, the contact of he althy skin with the virus does not always result in an infection.
When the virus hits the damaged epidermis - torn skin, cuts, and the immune system is weakened, it becomes infected. The elderly and the little ones have the weakest immunity, which is why they are most often affected by warts.
The development of infection is also fostered by temporary or permanent immunity disorders.Kurzajkispread very easily and spreads throughout the body, so if there is any change, it cannot be scratched. The human papillomavirus can be infected by both adults and children.
Types of warts
There are many types of warts that are caused by different strains of HPV. We make the division according to their shape and place of occurrence. Although they most often appear on the hands and feet, they can spread to other parts of the body as well.
Normal warts
Common warts - the most commonthey appear on the hands, in the area of the nail plate or under the nail.
However, they may well appear elsewhere on the body. Their color ranges from gray-brown to that similar to the color of the skin. Their surface is rough and irregular.
Foot warts
Foot warts (deep and mosaic) - the deep ones most often appear on the sole of the foot, and the mosaic ones appear anywhere on the foot, e.g. around the toes.
Deep warts are single, cauliflower-shaped lumps that cause discomfort when walking, with mosaic oils being extensive and in larger clusters. The most common infection of foot warts is in the swimming pool.
Flat warts
Flat warts - appear on the face, forearms, hands. They are small, slightly protruding above the skin level, and their surface is smooth and shiny or slightly keratinized.
Although their color is most often similar to the color of the skin, they can take a dark brown shade.
Genital warts
Genital warts - the most common form are genital warts, the formation of which is promoted by inflammatory changes in the genital area and damage to the surrounding tissue.
They occur mainly within the genital organs:
- labia,
- anus,
- acorn in the area of the frenulum,
- inner foreskin plate,
- and their treatment always requires consultation with both sexual partners.
What do warts look like? PHOTOS
wart treatment - home remedies
Untreatedkurzajkimay persist for months. As they grow more and more into the skin, they cause greater discomfort and inflammation. In addition, skin changes look unsightly.Kurzajki on handsare often a source of embarrassment.
Before reaching for the preparation available at the pharmacy or going to the doctor, you can try to remove the warts using home methods.
Celandine is considered one of the most effective plants used in the treatment of warts. With a broken stalk, or more precisely with juice, rub the wart for a few days until it disappears.
However, it should be remembered that celandine juice has strong allergenic properties, so allergy sufferers should avoid it. Dandelion is also helpful in the treatment of warts, as well as undiluted tea tree oil.
If home remedies do not help, use over-the-counter keratolytic preparations available at the pharmacy. The substances in them cause intenseexfoliation and nipple eating.
However, their use requires regularity and may take up to several months. Preparations for freezing warts are also helpful, as they sometimes bring the expected results even after the first use.
Treatment of warts at the doctor's
In the absence of the effects of self-fighting warts or when large and spreading changes appear throughout the body, you should visit a dermatologist who will help you choose the optimal method. The most common treatments for warts are:
- cryotherapy,
- laser therapy,
- electrocoagulation
- or surgical removal of the altered tissue.
Cryotherapy, i.e. freezing, is performed with the spray method or with the use of applicators. Using a special wart stick, a small amount of liquid nitrogen is applied to freeze the resulting lesion.
During laser therapy, the wart is burned with a concentrated beam of light - the skin should be anesthetized before the procedure. This is quite a radical way to remove tissue fragments, after which a small scar may remain on the body.
Electrocoagulation is the fight against warts using high-frequency current. However, it is used relatively rarely. The next method is curettage, which is used to remove common warts and those on the foot.
- Kurzajki - how to get the HPV virus out of the skin?
- Seborrheic warts: causes and treatment
- Genital warts: genital warts caused by HPV