Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Simon, MD, talked more about modern therapy used in the treatment of COVID-19. It does not use quinine, but its derivative. Find out more.

WHO, based on Chinese and Italian observations, has proposed 4 treatment programs that promise success. So far, three of them are used in Poland.

Are patients treated with china? - We will not give quinine to patients at all. We will, of course, administer chloroquine in combination with other drugs, said Prof. Krzysztof Simon, head of the infectious disease hospital in Wrocław - Please remember that this disease is, in fact, a cold disease. Complications are dangerous, especially for the elderly.

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Unfortunately - we still don't have enough tests to check them all. In many people, infections are asymptomatic, other people with ailments do not report at all.

Drugs for malaria or HIV, such as caletra or chloroquine, are generally well tolerated, but they are not indifferent to the body. Each drug has its own indications and contraindications.

- The therapies are quite well tolerated, we do not use one drug, we usually combine therapies. These are not ideal drugs, but the final effects will only be known after hundreds of people have been treated. At the moment, out of several dozen people, only two people had disease progression - said prof. Simon.

What else do you need to know about COVID-19 treatment? Watch the whole conversation with the professor on the video:

- Nowadays it is being forgotten that there are other viruses that can cause infections and serious complications. The model can be this: the virus can stay in our environment, most will become sick, develop immunity, stop infecting. Then the virus will stop spreading in society - added the professor.

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- There are undiagnosed individuals or individuals with an hidden defect in each population that favor infection and complications. If someone is 80 years old, has emphysema, smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol, he may die of infection - we learn.

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