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Hidden diabetes is not uncommon. This metabolic disease can develop asymptomatically for years. Latent diabetes is sometimes detected only 8 years after the onset of the disease. Check if you have symptoms of hidden diabetes. These include: sudden weight loss, worsening eyesight, dry skin, and increased thirst.

Hidden diabeteslublatent diabetes- this is how it is often referred todiabetesin its initial stage diseases, when it, although it already destroys the body, often does not give any symptoms or they are not very pronounced. Since most of us do not perform regular preventive examinations and does not mean the blood sugar level at least once a year, the effect is that in most patients diabetes is not detected until 8 years after getting sick!

It's definitely too late, because time plays a decisive role in this disease. The risk of chronic diabetes complications increases exponentially, which can lead to blood vessel damage, blindness, kidney failure, ischemic heart disease and lower limb disease, which may result in their amputation.

It could be hidden diabetes

What symptoms should you be concerned about?

Among the first signs are increased thirst and deteriorating eyesight. Often there is also a sudden weight loss, obviously not caused by a change in diet or starvation.

The skin becomes very dry despite the use of moisturizers.

The alarm signal is also the birth of a child weighing more than 4 kg or a miscarriage for unknown reasons. The maximum safe blood glucose concentration is 110 mg / dL fasting.

Abnormal blood sugar levels can lead to hyperglycaemia (too high sugar levels) or hypoglycaemia (insufficient sugar levels).

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Do you have blood sugar abnormalities?

Symptoms of hyperglycemia:

  • increased appetite and constant thirst
  • frequent urination
  • dry and itchy skin
  • exhaustion
  • visual disturbance
  • nausea
  • nervous

Symptoms of hypoglycemia:

  • increased appetite
  • visual disturbance
  • accelerated heartbeat
  • feeling broken and tired
  • irritable
  • headaches
  • tingling
  • no feeling in the mouth
  • in extreme cases - loss of consciousness

Diabetes mellitus is poor management of sugar when it is delivered with food or stored in fat. It goes to all cells thanks to insulin. Diabetes is associated with insulin deficiency and therefore the body is unable to use the energy supplied to it. This leads to a permanent increase in blood sugar, which results in many disorders.

  • Type 1 diabetes mellitus(insulin-dependent) - the body is unable to produce insulin. It affects 5-10 percent. sick people, mainly children and adolescents.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2(non-insulin dependent) - the body reacts incorrectly to insulin, is unable to produce enough of it or is unable to maintain it at an appropriate level. First of all, people over 35 are sick.

Diabetes prevention

Diabetes prophylaxis allows you to avoid getting sick, also among people at risk. How can I protect myself against developing type 2 diabetes and what increases the likelihood of developing this disease? Why is a proper diet and physical activity so important in the prevention of diabetes? These questions are answered by prof. dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz Dzida, from the Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Lublin.

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