A sausage is a meat product, a sausage product made of minced meat in an animal or artificial gut casing. What are the types of sausages? What are the nutritional values of the sausage? How many calories does Krakow, Podwawelska or Żywiec sausage have? How to choose a good quality sausage? How to recognize this poor quality?
- Sausage: types and production method
- Śląska sausage - calories, nutritional values (per 100 g)
- Sausage - is it he althy?
- Krakowska sausage (dry) - how many calories does it have?
- Sausage - how to buy a good quality one?
- Żywiecka sausage - kcal, nutritional values
- Sausage - which one to avoid?
- Podwawelska sausage - calories, nutritional values (per 100 g)
Sausageis a meat product made from comminuted (sliced or minced) meat in an animal or artificial gut casing.
The meat used to make sausage is most often pork, beef or veal. Usually, spices such as s alt, pepper, garlic and other herbs are added to it, and sometimes flavors and preservatives are also added.
Sausage: types and production method
A sausage consists of minced or sliced meat mixed with spices, breadcrumbs and flavorings.
Sometimes leeks and apples are added to the mass. Pork, beef or veal meat is most often used to make sausages.
The meat mass is filled into the casing. It can be natural (from a cleaned intestine) or made of collagen, cellulose or plastics, which are now more often used in the production of sausages.
Sausages can also be without casings - in slices, cans or jars.
Among the sausages you can distinguish:
- boiled sausages- prepared from fresh, minced meat, which is then cooked. These sausages are eaten immediately after cooking. They can also be stored in the refrigerator
- boiled, smoked sausages- they are first boiled and then smoked or boiled in smoke. They are eaten hot or cold. Must be refrigerated
- fresh, smoked sausages- subjected to the process of smoking and drying.Most often they are eaten cold
- dried sausages- made by fermenting and drying. Some sausages are also smoked prior to the drying process. They do not need to be heated before consumption and can be stored for a long period of time.
The first mentions of the sausage appeared as early as the 6th century BC. Sausages were known in ancient Rome and Greece, as well as in China, where they were made from goat and lamb meat. The word sausage was first used in England as late as the 15th century.
The market also offers vegetarian sausages based on soy protein, tofu or legume seeds.
It is worth knowing that sausage is a product popular in many regions of the world, characteristic for a given region, and made from products available in a given area.
In Africa, sausages are made from beef mixed with pork and lamb with the addition of vinegar and coriander.
North-Chinese sausages resemble Polish ones, while in South-West China dried sausages resembling pepperoni are popular.
In the Balkan countries, the base for the preparation of sausages is beef. British and Irish sausages consist of pork, beef or game.
In France, there is a great deal of regional variation in sausages. Italian sausages usually consist of pork and are seasoned with chili, fennel seeds or pepper and garlic. Another popular Italian sausage is salami.
Polish sausages are most often made of pork. There is a very wide assortment of sausages. The most popular sausages include Krakowska dry sausage, Podwawelska, Żywiecka, homely.
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Śląska sausage - calories, nutritional values (per 100 g)
Caloric value - 210 kcal Protein - 18.4 g Fat - 15.3 g - saturated fatty acids - 5.4 g - monounsaturated fatty acids - 7.78 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.07 g Cholesterol - 58, 0 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Calcium - 7.0 mg (0.7%) Sodium - 885.0 mg (59%) Phosphorus - 189.0 mg (27%) Potassium - 323.0 mg (9%) Magnesium - 23 .0 mg(6%) Iron - 1.6 mg (16%) Zinc - 2.56 mg (23%) Copper - 0.09 mg (10%)
Vitamin B1- 0.555 mg (43%) Vitamin B2 - 0.225 mg (17%) Niacin - 5.46 mg (34%) Vitamin B6 - 0.45 mg (35%) Vitamin B12 - 0.57 µg (24%) Folates - 2.1 µg (0.5%) Vitamin E - 0.23 mg (2%) Vitamin D - 0.61 µg (4%)
Nutritional value: IŻŻ database,% of the recommended daily intake based on the IŻŻ Nutrition Standards, 2022
Sausage - is it he althy?
Sausages are high in fat - mainly saturated fatty acids and cholesterol.
Sausages are also characterized by a high sodium content, which is unfavorable for people with arterial hypertension.
At the same time, sausages are a source of wholesome animal protein. They are also rich in B vitamins as well as phosphorus, iron and zinc.
Worth knowingKrakowska sausage (dry) - how many calories does it have?
Caloric value - 323 kcal Protein - 25.6 g Fat - 24.8 g - saturated fatty acids - 8.43 g - monounsaturated fatty acids - 12.87 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.66 g Cholesterol - 82, 0 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Calcium - 8.0 mg (0.8%) Sodium - 1273.0 mg (85%) Phosphorus - 275.0 mg (39%) Potassium - 429.0 mg (12%) Magnesium - 33 .0 mg (8%) Iron - 2.1 mg (21%) Zinc - 3.38 mg (31%) Copper - 0.11 mg (12%)
Vitamin B1 - 0.808 mg (62%) Vitamin B2 - 0.332 mg (26%) Niacin - 8.17 mg (51%) Vitamin B6 - 0.73 mg (56%) Vitamin B12 - 0.9 µg (38%) Folates - 3.0 µg (0.8%) Vitamin E - 0.71 mg (7%) Vitamin A - 2.0 mg (0.2%) Vitamin D - 0.82 µg (5 %)
Nutritional value: IŻŻ database,% of the recommended daily intake based on the IŻŻ Nutrition Standards, 2022
Sausage - how to buy a good quality one?
The assortment of sausages is very wide, but not all sausages available on the market are of high quality. It is worth buying sausages from well-known or regional producers and when buying, pay attention to
- product composition - should be as short as possible
- additives - the fewer additives (stabilizers, fillers, preservatives), the better the quality of the sausage
- percentage of meat used to produce the sausage - the more meat, the better the sausage
- sausage cross-section - coarsely and medium-ground sausages are of higher quality
The price of a sausage is also related to quality. The higher it is, the more likely the sausage will be of better quality.
- Homemade sausage: a proven recipe for homemade sausage
SausageŻywiecka - kcal, nutritional values
Caloric value - 315 kcal Protein - 20.3 g Fat - 26.3 g - saturated fatty acids - 9.04 g - monounsaturated fatty acids - 13.23 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.62 g Cholesterol - 75, 0 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Calcium - 7.0 mg (0.7%) Sodium - 1031.0 mg (69%) Phosphorus - 189.0 mg (27%) Potassium - 328.0 mg (9%) Magnesium - 23 .0 mg (6%) Iron - 1.9 mg (19%) Zinc - 2.9 mg (26%) Copper - 0.08 mg (9%)
Vitamin B1 - 0.410 mg (32%) Vitamin B2 - 0.231 mg (18%) Niacin - 5.7 mg (36%) Vitamin B6 - 0.45 mg (35%) Vitamin B12 - 0.96 µg (40%) Folates - 4.0 µg (1%) Vitamin E - 0.64 mg (6%) Vitamin A - 6.0 mg (0.7%) Vitamin D - 0.67 µg (4%)
Nutritional value: IŻŻ database,% of the recommended daily intake based on the IŻŻ Nutrition Standards, 2022
Sausage - which one to avoid?
Poor quality sausages are characterized by a low price. They contain a small amount of meat, while the list of preservatives and fillers is very long. Additionally, poor quality sausages contain mechanically separated meat MSM.
Worth knowingPodwawelska sausage - calories, nutritional values (per 100 g)
Caloric value - 247 kcal Protein - 17.3 g Fat - 19.6 g - saturated fatty acids - 6.85 g - monounsaturated fatty acids - 9.85 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.36 g Cholesterol - 59, 0 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Calcium - 10.0 mg (1%) Sodium - 1017.0 mg (68%) Phosphorus - 172.0 mg (25%) Potassium - 303.0 mg (9%) Magnesium - 22.0 mg (6%) Iron - 1.5 mg (15%) Zinc - 2.32 mg (21%) Copper - 0.1 mg (11%)
Vitamin B1 - 0.513 mg (39%) Vitamin B2 - 0.201 mg (15%) Niacin - 4.78 mg (30%) Vitamin B6 - 0.39 mg (30%) Vitamin B12 - 0.55 µg (23%) Folates - 2.1 µg (0.5%) Vitamin E - 0.20 mg (2%) Vitamin D - 0.62 µg (4%)
Nutritional value: IŻŻ database,% of the recommended daily intake based on the IŻŻ Nutrition Standards, 2022
About the authorMarzena Masna, dietitian SOS Diet, dietary catering, WarsawA graduate of dietetics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She gained professional experience in dietary clinics, the Nursery Complex of the Capital City of Warsaw and Warsaw hospitals for adults and children. She constantly deepens her knowledge by participating in conferences on proper nutrition, as well as diet-prevention and diet therapy of diseases. Currently, a dietitian at SOS Diet, dietary catering, where he deals with nutritional advice for clients, creating recipes, preparing the menu and supervisionover the quality of meals.Graduate of dietetics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She gained professional experience in dietary clinics, the Nursery Complex of the Capital City of Warsaw and Warsaw hospitals for adults and children. He constantly deepens his knowledge by participating in conferences on proper nutrition, as well as dietary prevention and diet therapy of diseases.
Currently a dietitian at SOS Diet, dietary catering, where he deals with nutritional advice for clients, creating recipes, preparing the menu and supervising the quality of meals.