Mycosis between the toes is called the "athlete's foot" because it most often affects athletes. Other forms of athlete's foot are sweating and exfoliating. They all start with burning and itchy skin. Find out how to recognize ringworm.
Athlete's footstarts with the reddening of the skin on the feet. Only later, when the fungi settle in the skin, do you see tiny blisters (like the tip of a pin), swelling, itching andburning . If the disease is not stopped, infected skin can crack, flake and even come off in large patches.
Types of athlete's foot
- Interdigital
Most common. It is referred to asathlete's footor athlete's foot because it is athletes who suffer from it most often. The first changes appear between the fifth and fourth toes of the foot, because it is the warmest, wettest and tightest between them. The skin at the base of these fingers is very red or cracked, and pain when rubbing the feet. Over time, the disease spreads to the next fingers. The rarest occurs between the toe and the other finger, because this is where the most air reaches and the fingers do not fit tightly against each other.
- Potnicowa
Characterized by numerous tiny bubbles on the soles of the feet and a red color of the skin.
- Exfoliating
It manifests itself as hyperkeratosis and peeling of the epidermis of the entire foot. About the so-called the moccasin form of exfoliating mycosis is said to involve not only the sole but also the edge of the foot - as much as it is hidden in the shoe. With each type of disease, itching and burning of the skin appear to a greater or lesser degree. Sometimes they are so annoying that they do not allow you to sleep peacefully or concentrate on work.
You must do itBaths for excessively sweating feet
Some herbs reduce perspiration, so it is worth giving your feet a herbal bath 2-3 times a week.
- walnut-sage
Take 25g each of sage leaves and walnut. Mix the herbs, measure 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Heat, covered, to boil. Set aside for 30 minutes. Drain, pour into the pelvis and top up with warm water. Soak your feet for 15 minutes.
- multi-lead
Take 25 g of hyssop, sage leaves, and leaveswalnut, willow bark, oak bark. Mix the herbs, measure out 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and heat, covered, to a boil. Set aside for 30 minutes. Pour the strained decoction into the pelvis and top up with warm water. Soak your feet for 15 minutes.
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