What are the causes of impotence and how to treat erectile dysfunction? The problem is serious because there are few diseases that can so quickly deprive a man of self-esteem, motivation and will to live.
Thoughts are spinning in my head: why did this happen to me? What will your partner say? Whenerectile dysfunctiondevelops, the feeling of loneliness quickly builds up, and the urge to isolate it prevails. In this way, a vicious circle is created, from which it is difficult to get out later …
Causes of impotence
Onerectile dysfunctionworldwide suffer from 150 million men, in Poland about 1.5 million. Statistically, therefore, every hundredth Pole suffers. There are many reasons.
The causes of erectile dysfunction can be divided into two groups:
- in the course of organic diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, liver cirrhosis or thyroid disease);
- psychogenic.
For mental disorders, a sudden appearance of a problem is very characteristic. The night and morning erections are preserved then, and you can achieve a full erection during masturbation. These facts are of great importance, because the basis ofimpotence treatmentis determining the source of the problem. Sometimes erectile dysfunction may be the result of medications, e.g. for high blood pressure. In such a case, changing the drug to a different one may turn out to be beneficial.
ImportantAfter twenty years of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, 85 percent men will have erection problems.
Impotence - poor diet, cigarettes, alcohol and stress are often to blame
Rarely does any man realize how stimulants and eating habits affect the quality of his sex life. At the root of the problem may be seemingly trivial factors such as smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol, especially if they are combined with stress and exhaustion. A high-fat diet is also very harmful, resulting in the development of atherosclerosis. The atherosclerotic plaques deposited in the vessels of the penis make it worse blood supply, so it is more difficult to achieve a full erection. The first failure may make subsequent attempts unsuccessful. Tense and focused on succeeding this time, the man visualizes the darkest vision in his mind - the image of his partner's disappointment and his own defeat.The more he tries to push these thoughts away, the more often they come back, effectively acting like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Impotence treatment methods
Sex life is an essential part of any relationship, but you have to remember that it is not the only one. Accepting and understanding the problem acts as a balm for the soul of a nervous and insecure man. Sometimes it is enough to be patient, to give up cigarettes and alcohol. Sometimes individual or partner psychotherapy sessions are necessary in order to unblock and get rid of the source of fear.
The most important thing, however, is to be aware that this is not a no-win situation and that erectile dysfunction can be effectively treated. Do not delay the visit to the sexologist. Its role is primarily to identify the cause of the disorders and order appropriate therapy. Pharmacological preparations are used primarily in the case of disorders with an organic cause. Their self-dosing will not improve the situation in the case of psychogenic disorders, as the source of the problem lies elsewhere.
The pharmacologically obtained erection is not a solution, and the treatment is always individual. When the problem is multifactorial, spa treatment (water jets) and physical therapy treatments are sometimes useful. There is a regularity here that the longer the delay of a medical visit, the longer the treatment will be delayed.