The Montignac diet is based on the assumption that carbohydrates that rapidly raise blood sugar levels are the cause of excess weight. This diet can be recommended to everyone because it contains all the necessary nutrients and you can indulge in a little pleasure from time to time. The principles of the Montignac diet are simple: we do not count calories, we eat enough to not feel hungry, we combine carbohydrates, proteins and fats properly, choosing products with a low glycemic index (GI).
MichelMontignac , the author of this method, lost almost 15 kg on hisdietwithin 3 months. At that time, he worked in the scientific department of one of the American pharmaceutical companies and collected materials on the risk of developing diabetes. He knew obese people had elevated insulin levels. This hormone, which is produced by the pancreas, transfers some of the glucose (sugar) in the blood to the cells. It is used there as a source of energy necessary for life and burned. Insulin directs the rest of the sugar to the energy store, i.e. adipose tissue. If there is constantly excess sugar in the blood, the pancreas is working at high speed because it has to produce more and more insulin. And more insulin means more sugar goes to fat cells and more … kilograms.
The nutrients that produce sugar in the digestive process are carbohydrates. Their main source are foods of plant origin: vegetables, fruits, grains. But also milk, because it contains sugars - lactose and galactose, and honey, which consists mainly of glucose and fructose. Montignac came to studies which show that some carbohydrates cause a slight increase in blood sugar, while others cause very high blood sugar. The former do not force the pancreas to overproduce insulin, and thus do not fatten. The latter, causing large fluctuations in sugar, are conducive to obesity and diabetes (the glucose level after eating them increases quickly, but also drops quickly, and this makes us feel hungry and reach for another portion of food). For example, if you eat 400 grams of lentils, your body will make sugar with a potential of 80 kcal. 300 g of potatoes is sugar that gives 4 times as much energy (320 kcal!).
Hundreds of foods have been tested to assess their ability to release glucose in the human body. The so-called glycemic index (GI),which determines how the blood glucose will increase after consuming 50 g of a given product. The lower the GI, the less glucose from a given food goes to the blood. Montignac has divided the products into 3 groups: low, medium and high GI. The most beneficial in the weight loss process are those with a low GI.
Products prohibited in the Montignac diet
The Montignac diet prohibits products with a glycemic index (GI) above 50, e.g. potatoes (except young ones), white flour, corn, white rice, white bread, sugar, candies, cakes, sweetened preserves, honey, bananas, grapes, dried fruit, fries, beer. Warning! The glycemic index of the product may change depending on the preparation method, e.g. raw carrots have an IG 16, cooked - 47.
Products recommended in the Montignac diet
Foods rich in carbohydrates with a glycemic index below 35:
- VEGETABLES: aubergine, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red beets (raw), onion, zucchini, chicory, endive, green beans, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots (raw), cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, leek, turnips, radishes , lettuce, celery, scorzonera, sorrel, asparagus, spinach.
- FRESH FRUIT: gooseberries, avocados, peaches, figs, grapefruit, pomegranate, pears, apples, blueberries, raspberries, passion fruit, apricots (also dried), mulberry, nectarines, oranges, red currants, plums, strawberries, cherries .
- LEGUME: chickpeas, beans (all species), peas, green peas (fresh or frozen), lentils.
- SEEDS AND CEREALS: amaranth, barley, almonds, linseed, sesame, poppy, sunflower seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, Italian, rice (only brown and wild), soybeans (also tofu and milk ).
- OTHER: natural yoghurt, chocolate (bitter over 70% cocoa), bamboo shoots, spicy Dijon mustard, agave syrup, mushrooms.
Our food is not only carbohydrates, although they are the basis of the diet. Proteins and fats are also important. There are quite a few of them in the Montignac diet. 1/3 of the daily intake should be protein products, i.e. lean meat and lean dairy products (the one derived from cow's milk must be reduced to a minimum, because it contains a lot of sugar). Legumes are also valuable in this respect. Protein is a building block for tissues and a source of energy. Provides a feeling of satiety and helps in weight loss. Fat is also essential, but only fat containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. So eat foods with olive oil or sunflower oil, but avoid butter and cream. And eat fatty fish. They have been shown to lower cholesterol and protect the systemcardiovascular.
Montignac diet: an important principle of combining ingredients
Montignac noticed that digestive processes run more efficiently when a meal is properly composed of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Low GI carbohydrates are best eaten with proteins. Radishes with lean cottage cheese, barley flakes with skim milk, green beans with turkey, lettuce with fish, peppers with home-made pate are the perfect combinations. However, it is inadvisable to combine fruit with proteins and fats, because they will ferment in the stomach. The exceptions are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and currants. Montignac advises eating fruit on an empty stomach, preferably with the skin (sugars from fruit eaten fasting are best used because they replenish the glycogen supply needed for the work of muscles and brain at night). Products that provide a lot of fat can be safely served with protein and good carbohydrates, i.e. those with a GI below 35. So we eat a large portion of salmon with lettuce or cucumber, eggs with sausage, spinach but no bread, duck breast with cabbage, but never with pasta or potatoes.
ImportantMontignac diet - rules
The Montignac diet allows only products with a glycemic index below 50.Phase one , i.e. losing unnecessary kilograms. It should last no less than 2-3 months. An additional goal of phase I is to stabilize the pancreas, so that it reacts with the production of insulin adequately to the needs - you avoid stimulating it, which is why this phase is more restrictive.
- Do not combine high GI foods with fats in one meal.
- You can choose between two types of meals: protein-fat and carbohydrate-protein. The first can include: skimmed and semi-skimmed milk, yogurt, fish, cold cuts, meat and carbohydrate products with a GI of 35 or lower. The second type is composed of skim milk, yogurt and carbohydrates with a GI of up to 50.
- You do not miss a meal, eat a rich breakfast, a normal lunch and a delicate dinner (at fixed times), and occasionally high tea. You don't eat.
- You make sure you eat 1.5 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight every day. If you weigh 70 kg, you should eat 105 g of protein, i.e. 10 grams of lean cottage cheese, 15 grams of cod, an egg and 15 grams of buckwheat.
- Breaks between meals must not be shorter than 3 hours, after a meal containing fat, you can eat the next one after 4 hours. Eat dinner at least 3-4 hours before going to bed.
- You use raw fruit only half an hour before a meal or 3 hours after it (but not in the evening).
- You only buy durum wheat pasta(look for such a name on the packaging of dumplings). You prepare them so that they are al dente, i.e. cooked half-hard. Traditional and long-cooked pastas have a high glycemic index.
- You only eat bread (whole grain!) For breakfast.
- You avoid strong coffee, which increases the secretion of insulin - one of the "hunger hormones".
- You drink large amounts of still mineral water between meals (approx. 2 liters per day).
- With alcohol, a glass of dry wine is allowed with a meal. Never before!
Phase two , which is maintaining the gained weight. It is indefinite - its recommendations should be taken to heart for the rest of your life.
- You eat carbohydrates with a GI not higher than 50. Occasionally you can afford to combine them with fats.
- You can eat something with a high glycemic index once in a while, but you need to supplement your meal with a product with a very low GI, for example, add tomatoes or lettuce to boiled potatoes. For larger deviations (e.g. a family cake party or a pizza evening), it is a good idea to return to phase I for a day or two.
Who is the Montignac diet for?
This is a diet for everyone. It gives good results as long as you don't make any exceptions. It is especially recommended for people who are at risk of diabetes because it stabilizes glucose levels.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreHow much weight can you lose on the Montignac diet?
On the Montignac diet you will lose 1-2 kg per week, which is a safe weight loss rate, preventing the yo-yo effect. Momentary weight hold-ups during the diet are natural, after a while it will start to drop again. The closer you are to the correct weight, the slower the weight loss rate will be. You cannot lose weight excessively on the Montignac diet. According to the author, the body "knows" how much it should weigh.
If you want to try the Montignac diet, and you have been following a low-calorie diet in recent months, you should initially watch your calories and increase them gradually, an average of 100 kcal every 5 days. You have to be patient, because kilograms may disappear more slowly due to a reduced metabolism.
Advantages of the Montignac diet
Contains all the necessary nutrients (this also applies to thethe first, so you can use them for as long as you want). It does not require starvation. There is no need to give up small pleasures - once a week you can eat a few pieces of dark chocolate.
Disadvantages of the Montignac diet
It does not require counting calories, but forces you to control the glycemic index, which, especially at the beginning, can be a bit troublesome.
Sample menu in the Montignac diet
- After waking up, half an hour before breakfast: fruit (IG up to 50), a glass of still mineral water with lemon juice.
- Breakfast: carbohydrates and a small amount of protein, e.g. 2 slices of whole wheat bread and 4 tablespoons of lean cottage cheese with chives and peppers.
- Lunch: foods rich in fat and protein, e.g. 50g wild rice, 100g tablespoon olive oil of turkey breast and a cup of plain yogurt.
- Dinner: light, carbohydrate-protein or protein-fat dinner, e.g. cod fillet stewed in olive oil with vegetables and half a glass of al dente pasta.
Who is Michel Montignac?
His real name was Michel Geneviere. He created his own diet using articles in professional medical journals. In 1987, he published the book "How to eat to lose weight" - only in France he sold 2 million copies and as many as 16 million worldwide (it was translated into 40 languages). When he died of prostate cancer in 2010 (he was 66 years old), his daughter Sybille took over the propagation of the world-famous method.