If you tell a man that without the female hormones - estrogens - he would not be a man, he will tapping his head. And the truth is that when they are missing, gentlemen age very quickly and lose their vigor. Check the role of estrogens in the male body.
Female HormonesAffect Fitness and He althof Men- this was discovered in the 1920s by Eugen Steinach. He also proved thatestrogenswere the first hormones to appear in the world. Testosterone - the hormone that gentlemen are so proud of - was developed later. So maybe God first created the woman, and only from her chromosomes a man? Contemporary endocrinologists have proven that typically female hormones have a significant influence on many male characteristics, including potency. The production of estrogens is controlled by the brain. In men, they are produced in the scrotum, brain and fatty tissue. These are very small amounts, a he althy man has only 20-40 picograms of estrogen in a milliliter of blood. A picogram is a billionth of a gram.
Estrogen deficiency in men can cause infertility
Men need female hormones very much. Thanks to them, men maintain mental balance, are energetic and more enduring than women. Estrogens also influence the analytical mindset of most men. They are also essential to male sexuality. Gentlemen, who have a lot of testosterone and little estrogen, very often feel hungry, but cannot have intercourse. In times of strong excitement, it is estrogens that determine endurance, give strength and energy. Testosterone only causes desire, but when estrogen is lacking, the sperm is slow to move. This could be one of the causes of male infertility.
ImportantEstrogens in the male body:
- are responsible for fertility,
- determine the movement of sperm - the less estrogen, the less mobile sperm,
- prevent osteoporosis,
- reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Excess estrogen in men
Heart attacks happen later in women than in men because estrogens protect them against heart disease. Can they perform a similar function in men? Will their excess cause undesirable effects? And finally - what dose of femalehormones can be administered to them with impunity? ”Although these questions plagued many scientists, they could not find volunteers to conduct the study. Transsexuals who wanted to become women were the first to come forward. After the first experiments, it was found that the change of sex to female is favored by excess 17-beta-estradiol, which in turn is not recommended for men. It has been indisputably proven that the excess of the female hormone in men causes the so-called feminizing side effects, such as breast enlargement and fat accumulation in places reserved by nature for women, i.e. on the hips. The trainers from the GDR and the USSR knew well about the influence of estrogens on the body's efficiency. In pursuit of sensational results, they stuffed athletes with estrogen, which was quite easy to hide. A kind of hormonal doping, kept secret from the public, was also used in party leaders, for whom female hormones gave energy, increased the body's efficiency, and had a positive effect on the circulatory system.
Estrogens alleviate the effects of andropause
It has been proven in numerous scientific studies that female hormones protect men, just like women, against bone fossilization, i.e. the so-called osteoporosis. Those who get it have much lower estrogen levels than their he althy peers, and that's not all. The action of estrogens is controlled by two receptors: alpha and beta. Not all of them work equally well. When estrogen binds to the beta receptor, it can improve hair density, skin elasticity, and protect the heart from a heart attack. But when it attaches to the wrong receptor (alpha), the male will start producing excess estrogen. Then the so-called gynecomastia, which is excessive growth of the mammary glands or the accumulation of fat on the hips, typical for women. The emergence of these features is considered by doctors to be a symptom of femininity and the beginning of male aging, i.e. andropause. It was not until 1999 that the first non-feminizing estrogen for men was identified. It was 17 alpha estradiol. Giving it helps to keep a man in good shape until old age. Over time, it turned out that soybeans and red clover, containing the phytohormone genestein, also have a similar effect. It binds to the beta receptor and protects against alopecia and bone fossilization. It has no influence on the development of female characteristics in men. So men have their own hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the effects of aging.
Lack of estrogen lowers the tone of the voice
You won't be able to sing it without a proper dose of estrogen. Many singers who still wanted to sing the main parts found this out. Meanwhile, estrogen deficiencylowers and lowers the vocal range, which clearly proves the beginning of the male climacteric period. It was painfully experienced by Enrico Caruso and Luciano Pavarotti, although they did not admit it. The gradual change in the sound of the voice (it gets lower) begins in men over 55.
The most important balance
There is no perfect method for maintaining the balance between estrogen and testosterone production. Everyone has their own hormonal balance that is normal for them. But what to do when any of these hormones are either too much or too little? Just like women at the endocrinologist, men should seek help from an andrologist and take individually selected preparations regulating the level of hormones in the blood. Man and woman become hormonally similar to each other over the years. She's losing estrogen, but she's got excess androgens. With him, androgens disappear and estrogen increases. That is why his legs become thin and the fat is deposited on his hips. Men, both externally and internally, are more and more like women with age. A 30-year-old has more estrogen than a 60-year-old.
The price of manhood
At the beginning of the 19th century, before visiting their fiancée, the Syrians were sucking the mother's cells, i.e. royal jelly. They believed that it increased potency. But those who did it too often grew breasts, because royal jelly contains 20 to 30 percent. estrogenic substances, i.e. isoflavones.
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