Gibert's pink dandruff is a bizarre skin disease. It has nothing to do with the hair, it goes by itself, but it does not add beauty. Pink dandruff lasts about a month and usually affects children and young people. Check the causes, symptoms and treatment of Gibert's Pink Dandruff.
Giberta pink dandruff(Latinpityriasis rosea Gibert ) usually starts with a pink spot in the center of the chest.
This type of dandruff is not very bothersome, although the skin looks a bit strange, because after 6-10 days more spots start to appear on the trunk, arms and legs. Fortunately, pink dandruff never occurs on the face, changes also do not appear on the hairy scalp, hands, soles and tanned skin. Oval lesions on the oral mucosa are very rarely observed.
Most cases of Gibert's dandruff are recorded in spring and autumn.
Pink dandruff: symptoms and course of the disease
The first spot on the torso is the most characteristic symptom and is called the mother plate. It can widen to a few centimeters and soon begins to peel off at the edges. It itches moderately, the itching gets worse when you heat up and sweat. After a while, usually after a week, new spots appear. They are pink, round or oval in shape and never blend into larger patches as is the case with other skin conditions. Very often the spots are arranged in the shape of a Christmas tree with drooping branches. It happens that spots suggesting pink dandruff appear only on unburned parts of the skin: on the buttocks or armpits.
Gibert's dandruff: what worsens symptoms?
Symptoms of Gibert's dandruff, and above all itching of the skin, is intensified mainly by sweat - therefore, you should avoid situations that cause its increased secretion (e.g. playing sports or a sauna). The itching may become more severe when soaking in warm water or when the skin comes into contact with irritants - both due to its composition (e.g. cosmetics) and texture (rough materials).
Causes of pink dandruff
The causes of Gibert's dandruff are unknown. There are assumptions that the reason is microbes, maybe viruses. According to experts, the most likely factor isherpes virus type 7 (HHV7). But nobody knows for sure. It is known, however, that the disease is not contagious and does not have a tendency to relapse. The duration of dandruff varies from person to person - on average, the disease lasts about a month, but sometimes the spots appear again after a few weeks - the same person will not appear again.
Gibert pink dandruff treatment
The disease does not require any therapy because it passes by itself after 4-8 weeks. If the pruritus is severe (about half of the patients affected), oral antihistamines or topical steroids (e.g. hydrocortisone) are administered. However, it should be remembered that although treatment with steroids reduces the itching and severity of the rash, it may contribute to the formation of further skin lesions.
Gibert's dandruff: home remedies
You can try to alleviate the itching of the skin with Gibert's disease with home remedies, the most popular of which are baking soda, apple cider vinegar, fresh cucumbers or herbs (lavender, chamomile). Lubricating itchy areas with arnica or calendula ointment and using hypoallergenic cosmetics can help. Some people find it helpful to expose skin lesions to ultraviolet rays.